Did Obama Diss Preval
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The topic is: Did Obama Diss Preval
Posted April 23 2009 at 1:11 PM
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Our messiah dissed Preval. Isn't it awkward? The real Messiah would never do such a thing. On the contrary, He embraces everybody, even the pariah (lepers, adulterous women, etc). When Rene Preval breaks the protocol, he is an outcast. But when Mich > >
Joel, 11-May-09 8:20 pm
Well Joel I choose to disagree. Remember the American code of no servants of no one. I believe Michelle chose to do that. This woman does not do nothing for nothing and does nothing for nothing. By the way those decadent empires specially this que > >
Hans Duperoi, 11-May-09 11:37 pm
first of all i'm haitian,i think preval is a president of a republic this is not what a president does. > >
Ariel Derilus, 13-May-09 10:22 am
If he did, shame on him!!! It is Preval right to conform not himself to so called rules. A president is a president even when he wears underwares. We should give Obama a well felt answer! We are sons of Dessalines! If I were not for Preval, surely in > >
Patrick Henry, 13-May-09 2:06 pm
I couldn't agree more, Patrick. Preval might be a mental midget when it comes to protocol and politics, but he is still a president. He didn't have to be treated like an outcast. If Obama was the world's messiah, like people think he is, he would nev > >
Joel, 14-May-09 7:45 am
As haitian I'm not proud of such matter, but as man who like to respect principles like this one that our president unawares "protocole" we ought to recognize that Preval never prevalue such principles. It's sad for all haitian native but we've to le > >
Pier Miller, 16-May-09 5:25 pm
I am in complete agreement with Moggy. Vilo > >
Vilo Exantus, 17-May-09 10:46 pm
Boy, I was only gone a few weeks and you guys logged in 108 times to discuss this issue. I only want to respond to one of the many interesting comments you made (I think both the comments that I agreed with and the ones that I didn't were interesting > >
Linda, 18-May-09 4:13 pm
I Wonder if Obama or any of his close collaborators would read these comments made by the Haitian People after his disgraceful treatment of Preval and all of us and how would he feel about them. I trust that Preval learn the hardest lessons of his li > >
Vilo Exantus, 19-May-09 1:31 am
Dans l’informel entre homologues, tout protocole est sense banni: "Dans ces circonstances, le protocole exige entre les presidents n’existe presque pas. Il est evident que ce fut une soiree, peut-etre la derniere du sommet. Et si c’etait le... > >
I Hope This Word War Is Over We Have Better Things To Post And Discuss, 19-May-09 3:00 pm