Hello, Having a chance of getting some good help is a bless...
Garry says...
Having a chance of getting some good help is a bless.
Hilary and Bill will make sure that it hapends under President Obama's Term and I trust them all fully.
Let's not call people names; that's where hate gets fed. We all know that christians have killed most people around the world in the name of God that's a fact. Most hate and devisive ideas and doctrines come from Christianity.
racists and facists are proud to be called Protestants/Christians such Mike Hackeby, lou Dobb, Dick Cheney and many others.
Remember the devil can mascarade itself as God.
I don't beleive either in the drinking of wine and eat bread as blood and body of Christ.
I don't beleive in the cross or the pictures.
to me these are the work of the devil.
There are many Christians out there who beleive in "Loving my neighbor as I love myself" To me that is the basics of Christianity or any religion.
I do beleive there is one God/suprem being and it's not Christian, Buddist or any religion in particular but a breath of fresh air or light.
A person who practices voodoo who loves to help people can not be called satan worshiper.
It is a gift and it should be respected same as a good Christian.
those who do bad should be prosecuted.
A Christian who accuses someone of devil worshiping is nothing but a danm fool or devil worshiper himself and should be imputed as well.
As I said we have many Haitian who really have no clue who they are, where they come from, where they'r going and as a result, they hate their brothers for all sorts of reasons.
That should stop.
Haiti and poverty has nothing to do with Voodoo but bad governemnt or bad managements.
The topic is: What Bill and Hillary Clinton Say About Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 14121
Posted by Garry on April 20 2009 at 11:40 PM