What Bill and Hillary Clinton Say About Haiti

Obama Louverture says...

Posted by Obama Louverture on April 19 2009 at 1:04 PM

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La solucion y bienestar de haiti no son limosnas economicas. Yo no veo que los hatianos que son ciudadanos de USA y que viven en USA necesitan o reciben limosnas. Por lo tanto la solucion verdadera es ciudadania de USA para todos los nativos haitian > >
Carlos Burrowes, 21-Apr-09 12:30 pm
It is difficult to presume, if Bill and Hillary Clinton were sincere or not.The smartest thing to do, i suppose, is to wait and see what will happen. And then, we can judge based on what we see. So, if they do keep their promises, i hope the Haitian' > >
Ferdinand Francois, 25-Apr-09 1:32 am
Sir, i know that you are a very honest and patriotic man; but when are we going to stop "waiting", "hoping" and start acting for the best interest of our people. We pay taxes the money get taken for personal gain; new vehicles and houses. i don't min > >
Tigel, 25-Apr-09 2:58 am
Sir, i appreciate your insight about the Haitian world and your understanding of some of the problems Haiti is facing.It is true that investment and inaction are really two majors problems of Haiti. I agree with you to some extent, not absolutely.T > >
Ferdinand Francois, 25-Apr-09 7:42 pm
Sir, i appreciate your insight about the Haitian world and your understanding of some of the problems Haiti is facing.It is true that investment and inaction are really two major problems of Haiti. I agree with you to some extent, not absolutely.To > >
Ferdinand Francois, 25-Apr-09 7:58 pm
Ferdinand, you hit the nail on the head. you went more indeph in your approach. I beleive that as years go by the more we wait to start the worst the situation gets; I don't think that the Government nore the Haitian people including myself has the s > >
Tigel, 26-Apr-09 10:49 am
les haitiens doivent savoir que le vaudou est une religion comme toutes les religions de part le monde, qui a ses jargons propres,ses regles et ses principles.combiens haitiens pratiquent reelment le vaudou, qui jouissent des retombes benefiques du v > >
Walsonn Sanon, 26-Apr-09 11:34 am
It seems to me that whenever these white missionaries what to move their Christian agenda's forward, they claim that vaudou is at the root of Haiti's problems. The problems Haiti faces has nothing to do with religion, never did. Haiti faces the probl > >
Linda, 26-Apr-09 2:36 pm
El problema de Haiti es el mismo de Cuba: La mentalidad de “cada cual resuelve su problema y los demas que resuelvan como pueda.” Si el pueblo Cubano y haitiano no parten de la base de necesidad de real movilidad y de buscar un candidato que... > >
Burrowes, 5-May-09 5:33 pm
The problem of Haiti is the same problem of Cuba. Update of the Haitian citizenship to the the USA, where the Haitian has the protection of the constitution of the USA. The Haitian needs mobility, and mobility is not within Haiti, mobility is withi > >
Burrowes, 18-Feb-10 12:05 pm
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