The US played direct roles Haiti's destruction
1 6 3 1 says...
Is the United States responsible for Haiti's destruction?
Here is a quote from William Reed via
On Haiti's Destruction:
Haiti, once called "The Jewel of the Antilles," was the richest colony in the entire world.
In the 1750s, Haiti provided as much as 50 percent of the gross national product of France.
How could Haiti have once been the source of such wealth and today be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere?
How could land once so productive today be the hellhole of the Caribbean?
Since it declared independence in 1804, the U.S. has played direct roles in its destruction.
On Immigration:
Obama could be a change agent to what has been the same old American story: White Anglo-Saxons and most Europeans are welcome.
But for poor Blacks, Latinos (except for Cubans) and most Asians, far different standards apply, none harsher than for Haitians despite dangers, poverty, devastation at home, and risks they take at sea. The Haitians awaiting deportation should get Temporary Protected Status.
Read full article
America's policies still discriminate against Haitians
Posted by 1 6 3 1 on April 8 2009 at 8:25 PM