What the G-20 Summit Can Do for Haiti

1 6 3 1 says...

I hope this opportunity at the G-20 summit to make a real difference to Haiti is not lost. Cancellation of Haiti's roughly $1.5 billion in foreign debt would strengthen the elected government, allowing it to improve health care, education and other essential services, thereby allowing for greater economic development, which would bring jobs and reduce poverty.

Further, the United States would benefit through a reduction in illegal immigration, greater regional stability and homeland security, and reduced importation of illegal drugs.

U.S. taxpayers have given $180 billion to bail out American International Group (AIG), but AIG will give $1.2 billion in bonuses company-wide this year. The money spent by AIG to pay bonuses would nearly wipe out Haiti's debt. Similarly, U.S. taxpayers have spent $45 billion on the bailout of Citigroup, with a further debt guarantee up to $306 billion.

In light of the relatively small amount of money needed to relieve Haiti's debt, and with the benefits that Americans, Haitians and the world would receive, Mr. Obama should make cancellation of Haiti's debt a top priority at the G-20 summit.

This is a letter from LINNEA NILSEN CAPSHAW to the washington post.

see oririnal post here: washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/...

What do you think about what she said?

Posted by 1 6 3 1 on April 4 2009 at 7:57 AM

Messages in this topic

Read how those world leaders specifically Sarkozy of France is trying to con Haiti. They want to establish a French base on the island of La Gonave> > > > > nice place to stage attacks all over Haiti don't you think? And mineral rights all over... > >
Flotheavenger, 6-Apr-09 4:53 pm
Where did you get this info about Sarkosy wanting to build a French base in La Gonave Haiti? This is the first I hear about it. you should at least provide a link to the source. Do you really think the United states will allow a european pow > >
Haitian American, 6-Apr-09 6:15 pm
Man you are in denial, remember how the USA Reagan administration provided the British with "intelligence" when Argentina was trying to get back their "malvinas islands" about twice the size of Haiti called Fakland islands by the British, St.Maarteen > >
Flotheavenger, 6-Apr-09 10:17 pm
Thanks for bringing this washignton post article to our attention. It was a great article. The G-20 Nations has recently pledge $1 trillion dollars to help poor nations like Haiti. It is sad how the U.S (one of the richest countries in the world) alw > >
Gerald, 6-Apr-09 11:06 pm
Yes Gerard, Here is where we need the qualities of Toussaint Louverture in our leaders today. As you are saying this, I think the United States also know that it is not right thing to do so. But the question that I would like find an answer for > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 7-Apr-09 9:47 am
Hi Jean.. I tottally agree and respect your opinion. yes, we can not fight the U.S with our mouth as we would simply deepen our situation at home. my blog may have sounded as if i am anti-american, which i am not. I was just frustrating and venting a > >
Gerald, 7-Apr-09 10:14 am
Source of the information in from the Haitian Connextion network dot com. Unbeleivable the nerve of Sarkozy. Like my cousin said he is like a pimp he gives a little so we can feef we ow > >
The Avenger, 7-Apr-09 11:33 am
I guaranty you that Preval already pocketed the money for that island. > >
Linda, 7-Apr-09 1:39 pm
Hi Gerard, Trust me, I know and I can feel the warm blood that is running through your veins for what we have now, and the pain that you are feeling for Haiti just a few miles away. I also sense your attachment and your passion to see a change in > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 8-Apr-09 1:37 am