Jean Why can't every participant in this blog exchange ideas...

Gera Bougui says...

Why can't every participant in this blog exchange ideas like you and I. Why do they keep on perpetuating mutual attacks on personality.

Every time I try to reason logically with most of them, I get labeled.

Well, to address your apprehensions, My perception of a holistic approach is indeed presented as a goal, a strategy.

To get the full scope of the action plan, it is imperative that you appreciate the book or the CD in its entirety.

One passage of your comments signals some kind of reference to an unspoken project to promote my candidacy to an elected office.

I could be wrong about that.

However if I am right, I am saying this to the world I have no desire, plan, or project to run for any elected office in Haiti.

I lost my Haitian nationality, and I intend, as a man, to live with the consequences brought about by my decision to adopt the nationality of another country.

My parents said that's what they all said until they publicly declare their candidacy, but I mean what I say, and I think all real Haitians should respect, unless it is amended, the constitution of our country, as impracticable as it may appear to be, Jean.

We have the human resources to carry out the action plan of such a Holistic approach but we collectively keep on requesting foreigners to intervene in our brotherly discord after we chastise one side or the other.

I would like to give you the content of the CD for further discussions because I appreciate your rather respectful way of making exchanges with me, considering that I found you on this blog.However, I would have to buy it from one of the vendors and Mail it to you because I already gave the courtesy copies to friends and relatives.

Lastly, I understand your inability to better elaborate based on the fact that you do not have the book or the CD.

Thank you for your well thought words, and thank you for respectfully and intellectually disagreeing.

Gera Bougui

The topic is: CHANGES are well overdue
This is a reply to Msg 13859
Posted by Gera Bougui on April 2 2009 at 4:08 PM

Messages in this topic

You must listen to Independance 2001. Find it on the web > >
Gera Bougui, 25-Mar-09 8:22 am
Loran RFT on ti jan gin rezon. Min sou afe privatization an, moin ta rinmin di yon ti bagay. Leu moun di privatisasion, ou fe moun ki viv de boite leta an faillite yo anraje. Fe yo konnin de preferance que puiskeu nou defini Haiti comme on eta capit > >
Gera Bougui, 25-Mar-09 2:08 pm
I understand the pain that is crossing your veins, you arteries up to your heart my friend. I found myself in a similar situation while I was in a public truck at port au price about 10 years ago. I intervened between two young men to protect a you > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 28-Mar-09 10:15 pm
A holistic approach to our malady is the way to go. Jean Esdrasse, I would like you to listen to "Independance 2011" and come back to debate me. > >
Gera Bougui, 29-Mar-09 12:07 pm
Hi, I enjoyed reading your essay on the matter; please contact me at yldep at It takes one to know one! Look forward to hear from you. Patriotic salutations > >
Rft, 30-Mar-09 10:32 pm
"Hi, I enjoyed reading your essay on the matter; please contact me at yldep at It takes one to know one! Look forward to hear from you. Patriotic salutations..." Could you specify which one of us you want to contact you > >
Gera Bougui, 1-Apr-09 2:30 pm
I looked at your work on holistic approach and I have to admit that it is a great work, chapo ba pou ou Gera. I think the United States of america can use these lines to solve the crisis in America. Therefore I have a few problems understanding t > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 2-Apr-09 2:20 pm
Jean Why can't every participant in this blog exchange ideas like you and I. Why do they keep on perpetuating mutual attacks on personality. Every time I try to reason logically with most of them, I get labeled. Well,to address your apprehens > >
Gera Bougui, 2-Apr-09 4:08 pm
I have absolutely no idea. But I think they will learn if we keep on being respectful and we use reason and logic as basis of our conversations. I am getting a copy of the book or the CD sometimes tonight. Thanks for your interest and your offer, > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 2-Apr-09 7:43 pm