My question now would be" if the treties were not...

Jean-esdrace Germain Charles says...

My question now would be" if the treties were not intentionally signed as/to be 'one sided", why are we not able to do the same thing?

The power lies in what is written and signed.

If it is written as both sided and we don't act as if it was, it is only a problem of enforcement.

That's it.

If the USA have the rights to pursue criminals all the way to our land, we must be able to do the same equally and they know it. If we don't do it, it is only because we don't want to.

This is a reply to Msg 13811
Posted by Jean-esdrace Germain Charles on March 28 2009 at 11:50 AM

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The Dark Knight, my! my! my! Dark Knight why are you coming on here propaganding flawed information? First and foremost, what does The US constitution have to do with Haitian consititution?" T he US Constitution was written in 1778 while Ha > >
Tiba, 27-Mar-09 8:26 am
Dark Knight, I have read the 21 pages of the US Constitution and the ARTICLE III, SECTION 3 you referred to states: Section 3 - Treason Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their E > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 27-Mar-09 8:29 am
Oke Legrand & Tiba Maybe I've gotten a reading problem. My bad! I think I was understood when I said the dual citizenship must be off the table prior any negotiation because of the severe issue of conflict of interest it comprises. I am wondering > >
The Dark Knight, 27-Mar-09 8:08 pm
It is only a question what is on the table and what is our specific rights and obligations. Dual citizenship that requires fainess in dealing between the acquired land and the natal land.I mean, if a man who holds dual citizenship, represents haiti > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 27-Mar-09 10:05 pm
If the treaty is one sided, it is only because the person who was signing such a contract on bealf of Haiti simply was not doing his/her job. It is that simple. Now, we as haitians citizens need to choose leaders that can negociate with great countr > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 27-Mar-09 10:21 pm
Jean-Esdrace, I don't want you to think that the treaties were signed as/to be "one-sided" intentionally. These treaties that were signed between Haiti and US just happen to become "one-sided" because while US law enforcement, the CIA and the FBI > >
Tiba, 28-Mar-09 7:40 am
Dark knight, You asked "I am wondering how, for instance, a high profile Haitian official, who holds a US citizenship, be able to negotiate a treaty 100% in favor of Haiti with the United States?" This is a very magnificient and compelling qu > >
Tiba, 28-Mar-09 8:16 am
I really appreciate the way Tiba took the time to clarify this question asked by the previous friend. It is beautiful. Dual citizenship is certainly harmless to either country when it comes to fullfilling one's responsibility as a citizen. Once > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 28-Mar-09 11:37 am
My question now would be" if the treties were not intentionally signed as/to be 'one sided", why are we not able to do the same thing? The power lies in what is written and signed. If it is written as both sided and we don't act as if it was, it is o > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 28-Mar-09 11:50 am
Jean-Estradace I can agree with you more! however, the enforcement of treaties don't lie in the hand of the people, but rather in the hand of the government. Nonetheless, the people can put pressure on the government to get some explanation on why > >
Tiba, 28-Mar-09 12:12 pm
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