Dark knight, You asked "I am wondering how, for instance, a...
Tiba says...
Dark knight,
You asked "I am wondering how, for instance, a high profile Haitian official, who holds a US citizenship, be able to negotiate a treaty 100% in favor of Haiti with the United States?"
This is a very magnificient and compelling question.
As a big proponent of Dual Citizenship, I wonder about that too as well, the "conflict of interest" ethical issue.
But while I struggle with that part of dual citizenship, I look around and I see for example, American soldiers with dual citizenship (Iraqi/US-citizen) fighting in Iraq, their nativa land. There are countless Americans, French, Canadians so on and so forth with dual citizenships working in one government or the other, doing business between their contry of origin and the orther countries they are citizens of, etc..., and I never heard any problems as a result due to their dual citizenship.
As far as negotiating a treaty for example, by someone with a dual citizenship, that woudl have to be dealt with by the 2 governments.
They would make the judgment on whether they should allow someone like that as part of such contract signings.
But, in the case where such person becomes president of either country, his/her alligence and committment should go totally to the country he/she is elected to govern.
Though I think majory of people wants dual citizenship in order to be able to vote and to enjoy their roots and cultures purely and simply.
As you and I know, Haitians living in Haiti, and the Haitian custom have a vilain hatred for Haitian daspora who are naturalized.
They relate to those Haitians as traitors.
Maybe dual citizenship will heal this discomfort wound between us and within the Haitian society.
No matter how anyone look at it, dual citizenship is a win-win issue for Haiti and not the other way around.
This is a reply to Msg 13795
Posted by Tiba on March 28 2009 at 8:16 AM