conference appel sur la double nationalite
Haitian Congress Of Chicago says...
Posted by Haitian Congress Of Chicago on March 24 2009 at 1:01 PM
Messages in this topic
Oke guys, Consider this: The following is an excerpt from Lavaud Desmoulins' Unpublished book, titled, "The Circle": "No one must petition the Haitian legislature to consider the amendment of the Constitution on the dual citizenship because of the > >
Lavaud Desmoulins, 25-Mar-09 7:34 pm
As your name implies: "The Dark Knight", you are living in the darkness, come to the light. 109 countries or so allow dual citizenship because the politicians were smart enough not to alienate their brothers and sisters and thus capitalize on the str > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 25-Mar-09 9:36 pm
Unfortunately Tiba, the Haitian constitution cannot be amended in a matter of days. The Constitution has laid out in Title XIII the process by which it must be amended. President Clinton by example has worked with the US Congress to increase the sala > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 25-Mar-09 10:04 pm
Based on what you said, it is not difficult to notice right-a-way that you don't know what you are talking about. It is sad to see that you are talking just to show off while you do not even have any basic Nowkledge of what's in our constitution. P > >
Alix Claude, 25-Mar-09 10:54 pm
Legrand, You said "President Clinton by example has worked with the US Congress to increase the salary of the President from $200,000 a year to $400,000. President Clinton lobbied Congress hard for the passage of this legislation, however, he coul > >
Tiba, 26-Mar-09 6:38 am
Good morning Tiba, Let us keep the conversation civil not about personnality. The example I gave you regarding President Clinton was to emphasize the idea of this Haitian legislature to only approve the amendment process not to deliberate on it. You > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 26-Mar-09 10:29 am
Hey, Legrand, comment tout les bagay so ye? Why are you doing this to me, man? I am not disrespecting you, I thought we were having a decent and civil debate. Keep up the hope! Legrand, you said "The 55 people members of the 1987 Haitian Const > >
Tiba, 26-Mar-09 2:27 pm
Yes Tiba we are having a decent exchange, however, the last sentence of your previous message was:"... nor you or the government can fool us anymore." I was not trying to fool anybody, I am just putting something on the table for honest discussions. > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 26-Mar-09 3:50 pm
Legrand, you said "nor you or the government can fool us anymore" that you feel as an insult, I would too, However, the use of "You" is not directed to you, Legrand. but as a general term. I knew it was going to get interpreted like you did, but I w > >
Tiba, 26-Mar-09 4:39 pm
It takes a real man or woman to apologize when at fault. Apologies accepted. Let us move on with the discussions at hand for the good of the country. Good night! LeGrand > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 26-Mar-09 7:08 pm