conference appel sur la double nationalite

Haitian Congress Of Chicago says...

Avant la soumission du rapport de Claude Moise au President Preval en Juillet 2007, avant la creation des commissions presidentielles et parlementaires en 2008 pour l'etude de l'amendement de la Constitution de 1987, Haitian Congress in Chicago dialoguait deja sur l'importance et les benefices de la reconnaissance de la double nationalite.

Une delegation de parlementaires conduite par l'ancien president de l'Assemblee Nationale, Joseph Lambert, participait a une table ronde en novembre 2006 autour de la question.

Le comite sur la double nationalite cree en decembre 2006 organisat des seances de travail, seminaires et en novembre 2007 Haitian Congress recut une autre delegation de 12 parlementaires et le professeur Maitre Gerard Gourges.

En juin 2008, une conference a ete tenue et des personnalites de deux partis politiques (Fusion, l'Union)et des senateurs et deputes de la 48ieme legislature y attendaient.

Continuant le dialogue apres notre participation a la Convention d'octobre 2008 de Haitian League ou le sujet creat de vives discussions, Haitian Congress a entame une serie de conference-appels pour engager tous les haitiens et organisations haitiennes de la diaspora dans cette lutte.

Soit avec nous tous les samedis a partir de 4:00 PM (heure centrale)du 28 mars 2009 au 27 juin 2009 pour une discussion autour du theme:double nationalite.

Composer le 641-715-3625, suivre les instructions et entrer le code 335776#, identifiez-vous (Nom, organisation, endroit, et numero de telephone).

La discussion sera enregitree.

L'avenir du pays est trop important pour ne pas en prendre part.

Posted by Haitian Congress Of Chicago on March 24 2009 at 1:01 PM

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Hey man, This conference is bologna to waste time... with the incompetent leadership of preval. Why would preval need to continue dialog with the Diaspora when he hasn’t start one since elected President of Haiti? The dialog we want is Pre > >
Trap Oh Oui Trap Boys..., 24-Mar-09 7:07 pm
you must listen to Independance 2011. Find it on the web > >
Gera Bougui, 25-Mar-09 8:17 am
The dialogue about the benefits of dual citizenship does not have anything to do with President Preval's vision, projects, plan, or outcomes of his presidency or lack thereof. It is about the Constitution and in the background respect for our institu > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 25-Mar-09 9:06 am
We have listen to several "Independences" over the course of our history. We have missed several golden opportunities. Ask those who have listened to "Independence 1986"? The results are right there in front of our eyes. LeGrand Parisien Salvant > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 25-Mar-09 9:14 am
Legrand You have listened to several "Independences". Why are you surprised none of them were Haitian or authentic. I am inviting you to listen to Independance 2011. It is a different word for a reason. Partisan feelings have clouded your judgmen > >
Gera Bougui, 25-Mar-09 9:40 am
My apologies Gera. I am terribly sorry. Since you have not sent to me a link or something to listen to, I thought you were referring to old adage: get rid of X and replace it with Z. I am not partisan that the reason I have not adhered to any politic > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 25-Mar-09 9:55 am
We all love Haiti in our own ways but we keep perpetuating internal frictions while a third party explores our human and material resources. The administrator of this website won't let people post links. However, if you start a search for independan > >
Gera Bougui, 25-Mar-09 10:10 am
LeGrand Parisien salvant, This dialog is backward with unethical merit of trust because dual citizenship amendment is a government issue to address either by votes or decrees of the president. The preval government is killing time and everybod > >
Trap Oh Oui Trap Boys..., 25-Mar-09 10:43 am
Much appreciated. Good day! LeGrand Parisien Salvant > >
Legrand P. Salvant, 25-Mar-09 11:30 am
Haitian Congress in Chicago, Is this a joke? I have a feeling there will be a Haitian president innstaled somewhere soon either in US, Canada, or in France. Oh, I almost forgot there is already a Haitian president with a full cabinet governing Hai > >
Tiba, 25-Mar-09 6:55 pm
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