Investissement pour le sport haitien

Pris Marc Laleau says...

Allo bonjour Mr le president

Je vis en diaspora cela fait deja tantot six ans mais mon coeur est touche attache a mon pays HAITI cherie.

Merci pour le travail que votre gouvernement a realise pour le sport et j'espere que vous continuerez a investir dans ce domaine poour l'epanouissement de nos jeunes talents.

Encore une fois merci Mr le President

pris marc

Posted by Pris Marc Laleau on February 3 2007 at 1:52 PM

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The national footbal team should now be playing friendly matches on the international fields.If we wait any longer we will loose the fire. Trinidad has already played,at least two matches, one with Panama and one with Costarica, which they lost both > >
Louinel Jean, 5-Feb-07 4:14 pm
The national soccer team has won the Cup of the Caribbean Nations and is qualified to play the Gold Cup (Concacaf) in the month of June in the U.S. The Haitian People is thankful and proud of those young soccer players who have shown a different > >
Trebu Patriote, 5-Feb-07 10:17 pm
Are you taking the lead on this issue? I don't agree with you that Aristide stole the National Team money because he had to work with no help from any other Nation. When you requesting to do something positive do not mix it with negative because > >
Jean Batiste, 6-Feb-07 10:48 am
One thing is evident, it is that Haiti is a failed state with broken institutions. It is a failed state because its leaders failed. They failed because they were incompetent, dishonest, good for nothing except to create division and they didn't know > >
Julien, 6-Feb-07 8:54 pm
Raising funds for any project is a very sensitive activity. People will make sacrifices to contribute to a good cause. But we need to make sure the money goes exactly where it is supposed to go and spent for what it is earmarked. We do not want t > >
Trebu Patriote, 6-Feb-07 9:34 pm
Hey, If you have such a great plan for Haiti why are you not living in Haiti and Why are you have not done anything to better the country. I know you want changes just like millions others but it's not going to happen with just the Gorvernment. > >
Jean Batiste, 7-Feb-07 10:36 am
Send me your email let's make a differene and we need to get in touch with those that are in charge. Email me at Jean Batiste One man is not a team. > >
Jean Batiste, 7-Feb-07 10:41 am
It's been a while since our soccer team is living under all types of tribulation. Most of our problems on the earth planet have connection with money. Our team needs money in order to play well and represent us out there. This team, (our natio > >
Robert Magic, 7-Feb-07 10:55 am
That was bold i like that. My purpose is not to start a fight, i simply want to let our leaders know that we expect change not mediocrity. When we make excuses for them we're basically telling them that it's ok to do nothing. We're telling them that > >
Julien, 7-Feb-07 11:30 am
As for the soccer team, I think it's great what you guys want to do, keep it up, It will definitely improve the image of Haiti. But for now my energy and financial support is where it should be. Like i said brother there nothing with demanding progre > >
Julien, 7-Feb-07 11:42 am
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