Casimir st fleur
Mark says...
At first I thought you and everybody else were overreacting for supporting the dismissal of the officers.
But, now i see your point.
We must make it clear to the police that we will not accept brutality as it once reigned in the past, and this unfortunate situation provides us the best opportunity.
But i also don't want lawmakers to think that they can violate the law and not face any consequence.
And i don't want the legislative branch to overstep it boundaries.
The topic is: Deputes font pressions sur le 1er ministre..RPT
This is a reply to Msg 1359
Posted by Mark on February 2 2007 at 7:58 PM
Messages in this topic
Cher ami, je ne suis pas d'accord, car dans tous les pays du monde, quand un policier vous ordonne de faire quelque chose, vous etes obliger d'obeir. Les gardes de corps du deputes ont probablement commencer a ridiculiser l'officier qui les a demand > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 31-Jan-07 11:13 pm
Le policier n'a pas le droit de tabasser ou d'arretter un homme de loi. Vous etes en train de creer des scenarios qui ne font pas parti des informations survenue l'altercation.Si la police a tout ce temps a tabasser le depute et tous les membres de > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 1-Feb-07 7:10 am
Du choc des idees jalli souvent la lumiere, mais dans ce cas la, vous et moi n'etions pas sur place. je pense qu'il serait premature de limoger l'officier de police. L'affaire est entre les mains de la justice, il n'est que d'attendre la decision du > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 1-Feb-07 11:52 am
In the past I've been very critical of the Prime Minister because of the way he handled the insecurity. But it would be very childish of the Lower Chamber to issue Mr. Alexis a vote of no confidence over this matter before an official investigation t > >
Mark, 1-Feb-07 4:18 pm
Mark, what you seem to miss is that Mr. St Fleur had a court date and did not appear, as a result the lower house issued a ruling requesting from the executive to make a decision. Anyone could do that if they feel that they were mistreated by a cop. > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 1-Feb-07 10:45 pm
At first I thought you and everybody else were overreacting for supporting the dismissal of the officers. But, now i see your point. We must make it clear to the police that we will not accept brutality as it once reigned in the past,and this unfort > >
Mark, 2-Feb-07 7:58 pm
This is the first time in our history that you can actually call a police officer in court, this is progress. Next, it will be the senators, mayors who behave as tonton macoutes, this is the right way to go. Now everybody else will be under the radar > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 3-Feb-07 8:13 am