Tete kale bois Sorry for bursting your bubbles! I didn't know...
Tiba says...
tete kale bois
Sorry for bursting your bubbles! I didn't know this issue was so dear to your heart.
If you are one of those so-called ministers who are engaging in such illish behavior, may the good Lord have mercy on your soul.
You asked: "What if the guy was or is a native Haitian?" My asnwer to you would be, "So what?" That still would not change that bare fact?
You come on swinging at me like a big jack*ss when you are supporting my statement.
You're right, I should have mentioned them too because the priests are not any better than the so-called ministers who are preying on young girls and teenagers in Haiti.
Personally, I know a few priests who are committing these illish acts on young girls in Haiti.
In fact, one of them just got a new baby by a young lady 4 months ago. I also know about a lot of so-called ministers who engage in this dispecable deed as well
If Haiti was a country of laws and order, catholic religion would go out of business a longtime ago, the other religions would go bankrupt, and government officials would be all in jail for molestation, rape, sexual abuse, etc...
on young girls and teenages in Haiti.
Tete Kale Bois, you have got to be one person without a conscience, moral, and values to come out defending the repulsive behaviors of these bastards, and I say shame on you.
As I said before, these missionaries come to Haiti and give moneies and a lot of toher helps, which give a lot of power and inffluence to these priests, and ministers who in turn use their power and influence to prey on young innoncent girls.
Many of these missionaries are fully aware fo the problems but chose to turn a blind eye and don't give a sh8t about it because all they care about is to get those ministers to convert as many fideles as possiple to their religion.
So if I am full of ch** for bringing this dispecable issue up, so be it. In fact I am proud to be full of **it for talking about this issue maybe these missionaries would think twice about supporting these bastards.
I know these missionaries wouldn't be too happy if they were supporting ministers and priests who were sexually abusing young girls and boys in the United States, would they?
Tete Kale Bois, learn to stand for something once in your life. Being poor doesn't mean one deserves to be treated like animals.
We are no longer living in the premitive era or in stone age.
The topic is: Brother St. Vistal and City of God Orphanage
This is a reply to Msg 13635
Posted by Tiba on March 14 2009 at 9:40 PM