Larry said While I was at least somewhat prepared to witness...
Linda says...
Larry said
While I was at least somewhat prepared to witness the material poverty, I was blessed to see the spiritual & emotional health which would be the envy of any 1st world country, especially my own
Larry, why did you not also notice the unbelievably indecent monetary wealth of the 8% (approximate) elite population?
I believe that is one of the fundamental problems with people like you who say they want to help Haiti.
You deliberately ignore the obvious, because if you did not do so you would have to admit that Haiti does not need outside help, it just needs its own wealthy citizens to give a dam about their own nation.
As for the spiritual health of my people, that is not always a good thing.
I think it was Marx who said, â€"religion is the opiate of the masses
I will answer more on your project later.
But first, I need you to help me understand how exactly you think the Los Polos commercial plant would benefit your project; it seems to me that the opposite would be true.
The topic is: seeking economic security for Cerca la Source
This is a reply to Msg 13612
Posted by Linda on March 13 2009 at 10:36 AM
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Larry, Welcome back! how did you find Haiti Thomas? I hope Haiti Quisqueya is still at the same location (smile), it's a joke! Well, I'd tell you that I applaud your effort to help our Haiti cherie. However, some of the plans are very good and
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Tiba, 12-Mar-09 3:37 pm
Larry said: aEoeWhile I was at least somewhat prepared to witness the material poverty, I was blessed to see the spiritual & emotional health which would be the envy of any 1st world country, especially my own.aE Question: Larry, why did you no
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Linda, 13-Mar-09 10:36 am
Thank you, Tiba, for your comments & suggestions. It is good to get some "local" feed back. If you want me to get the joke, though, you'll have to fill me in re Haiti Thomas & Haiti Quisqueya! I agree that the strategies of the farmers in Cerca
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Larry Mulligan, 17-Mar-09 10:39 pm
Linda - Thank you for your comments and Qs. As I said to Tiba, local input is invaluable. I wish we had the opportunity to meet while we were both in Haiti, that would have been very helpful. We landed in Port au Prince & went directly to C
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Larry Mulligan, 17-Mar-09 11:03 pm
Larry, the accusation is not personal; It was simply a statement of fact. As you yourself said it, you were only in there for such a short time that you did not even get to see how the other 8% of Haitians live. The 8% who in fact control whatever ha
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Linda, 19-Mar-09 12:37 am
Linda - Thank you for your continuing input, even though it is critical. When I received your latest contribution, I had started reading Dambisa Moyo's Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working And How There Is A Better Way For Africa, and wanted to finis
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Larry Mulligan, 24-Mar-09 7:37 pm
I am beginning to develop some respect for you Larry. I am too tired right now to know if what I am observing in your post is a genuine attempt at understanding or simply an attempt an attempt at niceties. They are both good things; I just happen to
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Linda, 24-Mar-09 10:23 pm
Larry, I can tell you have a great heart that really wants to make a difference in the lives of others, but I also have the feeling that you and your organization are still going to do what you are set to to do regardless what Linda or anyone else
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Tiba, 25-Mar-09 7:55 pm
Tiba - I am sorry to hear my fellow countrymen were so unwilling to listen & learn. I am trying to avoid that. I am not stuck on breadfruit & will immediately drop the idea if our friends are not interested in it. The fact that it is currently bei
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Larry Mulligan, 26-Mar-09 10:01 am
Larry, don't give up and don't go away. Do move slowly and cautiously, regardless of the financial pressures to do otherwise. That in fact is the rub; keeping your financial support while doing the right thing. Just remember, the right thing is never
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Linda, 26-Mar-09 2:28 pm
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