RFT, you did what you always do. You avoided dealing with the...

Linda says...

RFT, you did what you always do. You avoided dealing with the conclusion of your own error filled argument.

You did not respond to the specifics of what do Haitians who do pick up their own trash do with it. It is easy to accuse and make grand statements.

It is harder to be logical and practical, or to give real answers to specific questions.

The topic is: help for haiti
This is a reply to Msg 13596
Posted by Linda on March 10 2009 at 8:26 PM

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Hi, what you need to do is stop begging a president and start digging into your own history then you will no longer be ashamed since you will gain a better holistic understanding of how Haiti has gotten the way she has gotten. Worst for you, you ar > >
Rft, 8-Mar-09 9:44 pm
Well, not quite right! Certainly government is elected among us to protect the welfare of the Haitian people. This is a responsibility almost all Haitian governments fail to uphold since inception.No one can argue against that. However, it is ultimat > >
Rft, 8-Mar-09 9:58 pm
Rft, If that is the case, I would suggest that you go to Haiti and start cleaning the streets of P-A-P and lead the way for the rest of us to follow. After all, "la charite bien ordonee commence par soi-meme." I have never heard once in the his > >
Tiba, 9-Mar-09 7:18 am
Tiba, obviously we have fundamental differences on the role of government. I don't believe in government like you do and I do not expect from government everything you seem to expect from them. In any case, I am already cleaning my fair share of Hait > >
Rft, 9-Mar-09 12:42 pm
Rft, I got you! you and I will keep waiting until Jesus Christ comes back until something might get done in our beloved country, Haiti Thomas. You are waiting on the people to get in action, and I am waiting for the government to get in action, > >
Tiba, 9-Mar-09 4:46 pm
Rft, said to Tiba regarding how dirty Haiti is: "what you need to do is stop begging a president and start digging into your own history then you will...you will gain a better holistic understanding of how Haiti has gotten the way she has gotten." > >
Linda, 9-Mar-09 10:35 pm
Rft, said to Tiba regarding how dirty Haiti is: "what you need to do is stop begging a president and start digging into your own history then you will... you will gain a better holistic understanding of how Haiti has gotten the way she has gotten. > >
Linda, 10-Mar-09 9:14 am
I don't think so Linda. In 1915, the American Marines found Haiti in the filthiest condition that you can think of. (I saw the pictures from the Navy/Marines Archives myself) John Candler who visited a great deal of Haiti in the 1840's reported also > >
Rft, 10-Mar-09 7:14 pm
RFT, you did what you always do. You avoided dealing with the conclusion of your own error filled argument. You did not respond to the specifics of what do Haitians who do pick up their own trash do with it. It is easy to accuse and make grand statem > >
Linda, 10-Mar-09 8:26 pm
Linda and all:I am talking about abstract concept here! "Determination by the Haitian people to wanna have a clean country before anything." A change in mentality. I do not have a theory about how the average PaP citizen should dispose of their own > >
Rft, 11-Mar-09 6:24 am
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