To me you black people are all blacks. It does not matter if...

Greg Peters says...

To me you black people are all blacks.

It does not matter if you are dark or light or mulatto, with good hair or bad hair. Obama is black to me. It is what I see in front of me, a black person.

Nevertheless, the content of the character is what is most important.

To God, we are all his creatures.

Black, whithe, red, yellow, blue etc...When God will judge us, He will not look at the color of our skin. He will look at our soul and spirit.

Humans in general have not evolved completely.

We are very basic in our mentality.

Looking at skin color is such a primitive way of thinking.

The topic is: The Grimmo-Mulatto is Most powerful man on EARTH
This is a reply to Msg 13418
Posted by Greg Peters on February 23 2009 at 7:54 AM

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To me you black people are all blacks. It does not matter if you are dark or light or mulatto, with good hair or bad hair. Obama is black to me. It is what I see in front of me, a black person. Nevertheless, the content of the character is what i > >
Greg Peters, 23-Feb-09 7:54 am
My My My! Like I said before in this blog when my friend and colleague was in Haiti teaching french to the Haitians he noticed this uneasiness short of not calling it plain animosity between the true niggers and the light skin niggers who called th > >
Yves Salamanque, 23-Feb-09 10:33 am
You sound like a fool, we are all Haitians regardless of skin complexion, I can't believe you took the time out to write that rubbish.....and that i took the time out to read it........ I'll pray for you.. > >
Xavier, 23-Feb-09 7:48 pm
That is the real problem of haitian. A category of people call certain people name (like grimace), and the other hand a category think they superior than other one. Psychiogically we are all the same, the color or texture of the skin is like God w > >
Carolle Sylvestre, 25-Feb-09 1:12 pm
Les "petits blancs ou blancs manants" etaient des esclaves qui travaillaient a cote des esclaves noirs dans les grande plantations de coton en Haiti durant la colonie francaise. Il y avait aussi des mulatres qui etaient esclaves. The way I see it, > >
Tiba, 25-Feb-09 8:58 pm
This is absolutely absurd for someone to be so disrespectful. Why is he so bitter? Bitterness and stupidity cemented in an by ignorance have claimed the soul of this "mulato". He is a deranged individual, a coward who indulges himself in putting d > >
Zarien Krab, 28-Feb-09 8:55 am
RE: The Grimmo-Mulatto is Most powerful man on EARTH My My My! Like I said before in this blog when my friend and colleague was in Haiti teaching french to the Haitians he noticed this uneasiness short of not calling it plain animosity between > >
Yves Salamanque, 3-Mar-09 7:04 am
Only Toussaint Louverture knew how to make it happen; and, of course, they made it. Now, It took over 200 years for the world to live it again; only the new American guy and the other Hatian guy knew how to make it happen again- and, of course, they > >
The Dark Knight, 3-Mar-09 8:42 am
Are you the real king, Dark Knight? > >
Gera Bougui, 3-Mar-09 6:14 pm
Hi Bougui, Il ne faut pas confondre le torchon et la serviette. surveillez-vous mon cher. The real king is coming. The Dark Knight > >
The Dark Knight, 3-Mar-09 7:45 pm
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