Tiba my blogging friend, I have to again caution you with how...

Linda says...

Tiba my blogging friend, I have to again caution you with how you phrase your thoughts.

I know that you don't mean to say that all Haitians are "lazy," and yet that is what you did say. I know you meant to say that many Haitians today are not taking responsibility for the mess they've made of the country, but I know that you know that there are many of us who would do things very differently given the chance to do so--including you my non-lazy Haitian blogger friend.

Lloyd, I hope you do not get upset, but I feel I must point a fundamental flaw in your argument about language.

You see, if you reread what you yourself wrote, than you will see that instead of contradicting me, you actually proved my point.

You said that the Dominican republic has no language issue and that is why they are prospering.

Well the fact is that they have no language issue because they have not created a language issue like we have. However, just like us, their language is the language of their old masters the Spaniards.

What they have done is simply educate their people properly--just like Jamaica, Martinique, Reunion, Dominica, Trinidad, Cuba, Barbados etc.--all countries that use the language of their masters.

The topic is: Go back to school and learn French!
This is a reply to Msg 13326
Posted by Linda on February 15 2009 at 1:05 PM

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Je suis cent pour cent d'accord avec vous Mr. Bastien; le francais reste simplement une langue, une facon de communiquer aux autres. Cela n'a rien a voir a l'intelligence etc. Comme vous l'avez deja souligne dans vos ecrits, certains Haitiens decro > >
Robert M. St Fleur, 6-Feb-09 11:49 am
On ne fait que promoter la langue d'un de nos oppresseurs.On n'est plus dessalinien.Si on est laid,c'est la faute de notre Createur,il fait"haitien". Nou pa pale Kreol,nou pale france,nou pa utilize Gourde,se dolla ki a la mode.nou pa mage kassav a > >
Llyod Benneth Le Bourru, 12-Feb-09 9:22 am
Lloyd, this argument about "the language of our masters", which if I remember correctly is from the author Frantz Fannon, is outdated and can no longer apply in what is now a mass communication world, where most evolved communities are part of a glob > >
Linda, 15-Feb-09 6:02 am
Linda, I hope everyone here would read your post on this language issue and understand that this is nothing but a scapegoat Haitians are using not to fulfill their obligations toward their own country. You see, not only Haitians are a bunch of > >
Tiba, 15-Feb-09 7:56 am
Linda,i always manage to respect your opinion even when i desagree with you.I've been around the world and base on my observation that most of the countries that have more than one tongue are poor.Our neighbor,dominican republic is the perfect exampl > >
Llyod, 15-Feb-09 8:38 am
Hello Mr LLOYD Well said. I was fustige sur ce site parceque j'ai suggere que les Haitiens parlent leur propre langue car ici en France les Haitiens qui arrivent ne parlent pas le francais. On entend que dalle de leur jargon... Une fois J'avais mem > >
Yves Salamanque, 15-Feb-09 10:42 am
Vous avez completement raison. Haiti est completement isolee. Le Creole Haitien est seulement parle par les Haitiens. En Martinique presque tout le monde parle le Creole Martiniquain mais neanmoins toute la Martinique parle Francais et le Francais > >
Greg Peters, 15-Feb-09 12:17 pm
En realite, si Haiti avait un bon programme d'education, la seconde langue d'Haiti serait l'espanole a cause de la proximite de la Republique Dominicaine. Surtout au poins de vue du commerce avec les Dominicains et de l'harmonie culturelle avec eux. > >
Greg Peters, 15-Feb-09 12:31 pm
Tiba my blogging friend, I have to again caution you with how you phrase your thoughts. I know that you don't mean to say that all Haitians are "lazy," and yet that is what you did say. I know you meant to say that many Haitians today are not taking > >
Linda, 15-Feb-09 1:05 pm
Oh,Grand Dieu de 'Univers,le temps me fait la guerre,ca fait deja 22 ans depuis que j'ai visite la France.Des mon arrivee,j'en ai fait la remarque.Look,I've been in Nigeria,I met family members that don't speak the same dialect,if they don't speak en > >
Llyod Benneth Le Bourru, 15-Feb-09 1:15 pm
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