Greg, Very well said. However, only in a perfect world that...

Tiba says...


Very well said.

However, only in a perfect world that would be the ideal help France would give to Haiti.

Thus, my concern lies on too much expectation and dependency we, Haitians, have on France, US, Canada, and other countries to fix our country for us. We tend to forget that none of these country or the international at large has no obligation to fix Haiti for us.

Regardless of past history and all the logical arguments one may engage into, the fact remains that Haiti is no longer a French colony.

but rather an independent state.

We tend to forget that there are, countless number of Haitian ingeneers, doctors, scientists, teachers, etc...


living abroad where they are using their skills, knowledge, expertise, etc...

as contribution to those host countries they live in.

In my opinion, the Haitian government could invite those Haitians back to their country, Haiti, so they can use their knowledge to help rebuild Haiti by providing some insentives to them, whatever that may be. That's what many countries, that are now doing well, did with their diaspora populations.

We, Haitians, should find some back bones to question the government's intention on this issue.

We need to ask the government why we are being excluded from our native country's affairs?

Why they are so afraid of us, the diaspora?

Once again, Haiti's problems don't concern the international community because it is a Haitian problems and we are the only ones who can, should, and must fix it.

It is time that we remove ourselves from this illusion of leaving Haiti in the hands of foreigners to fix it for us. It is time that we wake up from this fantasy dream and get back to reality because we are running out of time.

I have proposed a plan sometime ago and no one said anything about it, so I am proposing it again.

What about the diaspora sending an official invitation to Preval for a face-to-face meeting with the Haitian diaspora around the world to put the pressure on him to bring change in Haiti?

And this meeting will follow with a threat of Boycotting money transfers to Haiti if our demands are not met in 3 or 6 months.

Do we, Haitians, have the stomach for something like that?

I doubt it!

The topic is: Comment les Etats-Unis ont appauvri Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 13293
Posted by Tiba on February 13 2009 at 10:56 AM

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NO movilidad: Para dar un ejemplo. Un haitiano quiere viajar de turista a USA. Necesita carta bancaria. Necesita muestra que tiene porpiedades. Necesita que tiene familia en Haiti que lo atan a Haiti. Necesita hacer la cola frente a la Embajada > >
Solitario Rodriguez, 12-Feb-09 9:44 pm
Je suis totalement d'accord avec l'article que les Americains ont apprauvri Haiti. C'est absolument necessaire de connaitre le passe pour comprendre le present. Au sujet du futur d'Haiti, si on a de l'intelligence on sait tres bien que les Francais > >
Greg Peters, 13-Feb-09 8:43 am
Quand on presente un plan diplomatique a la France en terme d'envoye des ingenieurs et des materiaux pour la reconstruction d'Haiti, il faut aussi leur presenter les avantages qu'il auraient en aidant Haiti. Par exemple, les Etats Unis, la Republiqu > >
Greg Peters, 13-Feb-09 8:54 am
Greg, Very well said. However, only in a perfect world that would be the ideal help France would give to Haiti. Thus, my concern lies on too much expectation and dependency we, Haitians, have on France, US, Canada, and other countries to fix o > >
Tiba, 13-Feb-09 10:56 am
Solitario, You're killing me, man! Where did I ever mention anything about Cuba? Why do you keep answering my messages with long comparison that has nothing to do with the issue at hand? Can you please focus and stay on subject? > >
Tiba, 13-Feb-09 1:47 pm
Haiti and Cuba have differences and similarities. My opinion of difference between Haiti and Cuba: 1-that Haiti is an elect president democratically, in Cuba there is a dictatorship of 50 years followed. 2-in Haiti there was an intervention of the > >
Solitario Rodriguez, 13-Feb-09 1:53 pm
You should say instead that The Haitians Politicians Leaders are responsible for the poverty of Haiti because U.S.A.Governements gave a lot of economic aid to them,but due to the political instability they left the Country with lots of millions of do > >
Jeanrobert Bastien, 13-Feb-09 3:18 pm
Dear sir JeanRobert Bastien, I would suggest that you take a deep breath and calm down for a minute because you are about to blow a gasket. We all know and that is including the cave man that all politicians in Haiti are thieves, mercenaries, a > >
Tiba, 13-Feb-09 7:39 pm
After the departure Baby Doc Jean-Claude Duvalier more than 20 years ago, I had proposed the same idea and gathered a group of Haitian diaspora to meet with the Haitian government on the same issues of fixing Haiti. The Haitian government refused to > >
Greg Peters, 14-Feb-09 12:39 am
Greg, Point well taken! I remember that Haitian march over the Brooklyn bridge. However, just becasue Baby Doc had refused to meet with us 20 years ago, doesn't necessarily mean that this drunk incompetent and mediocre Preval will turn us down too > >
Tiba, 14-Feb-09 8:04 am
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