Tiba - Thank you for your thoughts & suggestions. I agree that...

Larry Mulligan says...

Tiba -

Thank you for your thoughts & suggestions.

I agree that it is our friends who will have the major say as to what, if anything, we can do beyond the financial aid we are now providing to the parish school.

I very much appreciate your insights.

The topic is: 1st time traveler to Haiti solicits advice!
This is a reply to Msg 13181
Posted by Larry Mulligan on February 10 2009 at 11:08 PM

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The best advice that I have for you is to contact FONDWA. Click:. They have a lot of experience with subsistance farming. Teaching a community how to fish and how to do for themselves. > >
Greg Peters, 10-Feb-09 4:33 pm
Thanks, Linda - get your rest, and if you have the time and energy, I would value your thoughts. And I hope there are others who will weigh in, also. > >
Larry Mulligan, 10-Feb-09 8:56 pm
Dear Larry; I commend you for your attempt to gather various forms of advice before you attempt to move forward. I am too tired right now to think clearly about what best advice I would give you that might help. I will have more time tomorrow, hence > >
Linda, 10-Feb-09 9:38 pm
Tiba - Thank you for your thoughts & suggestions. I agree that it is our friends who will have the major say as to what, if anything, we can do beyond the financial aid we are now providing to the parish school. I very much appreciate your insigh > >
Larry Mulligan, 10-Feb-09 11:08 pm
Larry, You're welcome! Just remember to always adhere to the concept of the helping theory "Doing WITH them instead of Doing FOR them" and you'll be alright. Also, keep in mind that Haitians are very "passive aggressive" human beings to no > >
Tiba, 11-Feb-09 8:31 am
Thank you, again, Tiba, for the good advice. I agree about not expecting anything but being open to all that comes. And, I know when I try to serve someone, it is I who usually comes away feeling the most served. Lape [last letter w/ an accent mar > >
Larry Mulligan, 11-Feb-09 11:41 am
Larry (Mulligan), if youaE™ve been on this blog for a while, then you know that there are two groups of people that I detest. One is the Preval government group, the other is all the different groups of people who call themselves missionaries. Th > >
Linda, 14-Feb-09 8:06 pm
Linda - Thank you for those very sobering thoughts. Unfortunately, my personal circumstances do not allow the luxury of spending more than a week, at least at this time, visiting w/ our friends in Cerca la Source. And, I can not be optimistic a > >
Larry Mulligan, 14-Feb-09 9:00 pm
I understand that you are a member of missionary organization called Holding Hands missionary organization; How are you not a missionary? > >
Linda, 14-Feb-09 9:39 pm
Holding Hands w/ Haiti is the name we gave our parish group when we entered into the twinning relationship w/ the parish in Cerca la Source. We are not intending to evangelize, preach to or convert our friends there. We want to know them better and > >
Larry Mulligan, 14-Feb-09 11:29 pm
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