Greg, I am fully aware the type of mentality and perception


I am fully aware the type of mentality and perception that we, in the diaspora, are enduring from those Haitians living in Haiti.

I know I come strong but I was not being negative at all. I was rather making a statement and even though I agree with your statements, nevertheless, we are Haitians and Haiti belongs to all of us regardless how Haitians in Haiti and the diaspora don't get along, etc...


When Haitians with skills, experience, education, etc...

are waiting for an invitation to get involved in the affairs of their own country, it means that those Haitians don't really have any interest to get involved because they know very well that Preval and his cronies will never going to give a special invitation to Haitian diaspora.

In fact, we, Haitian diaspora, get whole lot more power than we think to make the Haitian government beg for mercy, unfortunately, we don't have the guts, the back bones to do it. We all want change in Haiti but none of us wants to make the sacrifice needed to bring the changes we've been talking about for the past 205 years.

There will never be change unless the people ask for it and the people take the steps needed to achieve it. There ough to be a movement in order to bring change
and we, Haitians, are too busy with our own lives to take time to build a movement.

Haiti will never go forward because we, Haitians, have given up on Haiti a very longtime ago.

This is a reply to Msg 13189
Posted by Tiba on February 10 2009 at 6:23 PM