If Haiti was turned into the US, you would have been in Haiti...

Jocelyn says...

If Haiti was turned into the US, you would have been in Haiti right now, not in the US and trying to make believe you think Haiti is better than the US. There is law in the US. Criminals are punished.

In the US you do not have prisons in the middle of cities.

You have precint which is very different than prison.

In the precint they have people for one night, temporary.

The prison in Haiti in the middle of cities, populated areas, where notorious criminals get their bulldozer and brake in to get the notorious criminals out. Can you compare Haiti with the US?

you stupid fool.
Haiti needs state prisons with high security, far from the cities to protect the peaceful citizens of the country.

This is a reply to Msg 12877
Posted by Jocelyn on February 8 2009 at 11:20 PM

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You are so funny. I showed your post to the students in my critical thinking class and asked them to use it to identify three things that they learned in class lately: 1) The hidden subject in your argument vs. what you pretend you are saying, 2) > >
Linda, 3-Feb-09 1:32 pm
Once again you provide no solutions, no plans.. Your idle rhetoric has expired. you in fact resorted to youthful name calling "Boy" Your generation of Haitians are very good at putting each other down and arguing as well as destroying.. The New Gen > >
Xavier, 3-Feb-09 3:05 pm
If Haiti was turned into the US, you would have been in Haiti right now, not in the US and trying to make believe you think Haiti is better than the US. There is law in the US. Criminals are punished. In the US you do not have prisons in the middle > >
Jocelyn, 8-Feb-09 11:20 pm
Building state prison should be the government concern. They stole enough money to buy mansions outside of Haiti, for their mistress and family. If the government wanted to build prison, they would have that in their program. They do not care. They > >
Jojo, 8-Feb-09 11:30 pm
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" JFK. I believe the burden of re-building are country lies with us all. no one can fix the mess all by themselves. your right many are to blame for the destruction. > >
Xavier, 9-Feb-09 1:00 pm
By Stephanie Chen CNN (CNN) -- At a friend's sleepover more than a year ago, 14-year-old Phillip Swartley pocketed change from unlocked vehicles in the neighborhood to buy chips and soft drinks. The cops caught him. Former Luzerne count > >
The Dark Knight, 23-Feb-09 5:25 pm
A aEoeSINGLE VOICE PROJECTaE is the official name of the petition sponsored by: The National Public Service Council To Abolish Private Prisons (NPSCTAPP) THIS PETITION SEEKS TO ABOLISH ALL PRIVATE PRISONS IN THE UNITED STATES, (or any place sub > >
William, 24-Feb-09 10:21 pm
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