LE SITE EURASIANMINERALS.N'oubliez pas de visiter ce site, il...

Tony St Festin says...

LE SITE EURASIANMINERALS.N'oubliez pas de visiter ce site, il y a beaucoup d'informations concernant notre Haiti cherie.

The topic is: Haiti est-elle vierge?
This is a reply to Msg 13017
Posted by Tony St Festin on February 8 2009 at 10:21 AM

Messages in this topic

LE SITE EURASIANMINERALS.N'oubliez pas de visiter ce site,il y a beaucoup d'informations concernant notre Haiti cherie. > >
Tony St Festin, 8-Feb-09 10:21 am
So now we know for sure. I went to the site and so now I know that Haiti does have precious minerals, and that the Preval government has sold the rights to those minerals to a foreign government. HEY PREVAL...WAY TO GO!!! HOW CAN I BLAME YOU FOR TREA > >
Linda, 8-Feb-09 11:26 pm