Hey! Small world...I use to live upstate New York when I was a...
Linda says...
Hey! Small world...I use to live upstate New York when I was a teenager.
We had a house on ten acres of land in Greenwood Lake, NY, and when it snowed the whole place looked like a dream.
Tiba, you can take a mule to water, but you can't force it to drink.
You and I have repeatedly mentioned how foolish it is to think that one can go about nation building without a cooperative government.
We know that this Preval government is deliberately trying to sabotage all progressive efforts that could have national impact.
A person does not need to be a rocket scientist to know that Preval is deliberately trying to sink Haiti.
Even a child can look at the evidence of the past few years that he has been in office and summarize that this is an individual who is deliberately allowing things to deteriorate to the point of no return.
Hence, if this is obvious to the naked eye, why would anyone think that at this point he is going to do anything thing that helps the country.
At the same time, you and I have talked about the individuals who are helping Haiti without the government--people like us. Well we who are already in the trenches know that what we do is localized and there is not much hope that it will have a national impact.
There has never been a nation in the world where individuals alone were responsible for changing the national structure.
Change can only come to a nation when the government is sincerely trying to improve conditions.
We already know that this government is not. The members of the Chamber know this too (and if they don't it is because there are none so blind as those who refuse to see).
So, if they still want to put rose colored glasses on and try this project, you and I can only wish them luck, pull our little chairs, sit down, and wait to see what we already know is going to happen.
The topic is: Is Haiti's Current Government Ready?
This is a reply to Msg 12982
Posted by Linda on February 4 2009 at 8:44 PM