Again I ask you where are your plans? what solutions do you...

Xavier says...

Again I ask you where are your plans?

what solutions do you Linda, present?.

are you a member of the "Gutter Rat" members of are society that you detest so much waiting for " Mr. Blans" to come and help. and furthermore do you believe that the U.S. would really help us get are act together.

no my dear, they will feed us you know that! as far as financing the building of a prison we in the dyaspora could do that in one night of fundraising we do not need any outside or foreign help to that. labor and materials are cheap in Haiti, and I believe these Prisons should be located in what we call the country side where there are alot of vegetations but not to far from P-a-P where new roads and Highways are needed.

I believe you get paid to blog on this site Linda, and your job most of the time is to play devil's advocate but honestly there is no amount of money anyone could pay me to betray my people I am successful and content my dear....

This is a reply to Msg 12946
Posted by Xavier on February 3 2009 at 10:03 AM

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I Will gladly, tell you why. Haiti not only has a reputation for being the most impoverish nation in the western hemisphere it has gained one for being a cocaine transit point, and the crime kidnapping has become an allucid trade as well.We Haitians > >
Xavier, 2-Feb-09 5:06 pm
Today, I only have time to answer one point. So, I will tell you that I am puzzle by your statement, "if you don't want haiti to be like the United States where do you want it to be like? Columbia! Iraq! Mexico! Linda let's think! before we write... > >
Linda, 2-Feb-09 6:36 pm
The US incarcerates 2.2 million people - one-quarter of all the world's prisoners – compare that to Iceland where the prison population is fewer than 110 inmates. The US incarceration rate is 5 to 10 times as great as that of other democracies. And > >
Linda, 2-Feb-09 6:47 pm
To be honest with you Linda, Haiti can emulate any of those developed countries that would be great! that in fact, should be us Haitians ultimate goal. But the fact is without SECURITY what foreign investor or tourist would flock to those developed n > >
Xavier, 2-Feb-09 9:23 pm
When was the last time you were in Haiti! as a matter fact go to youtube and search for child prostitutes in Haiti, Yes in the U.S. the incarceration rates are 5 to 10 times great as that of other democracies but you are not saying anything to contri > >
Xavier, 2-Feb-09 9:41 pm
thats a great way to think i have'nt heard or see a hitian that think that way you are a specail some one if every haitian would to think like you haiti eoukd be real fare > >
Will, 2-Feb-09 10:20 pm
haiti is not ready to be like none of those county at all i just left haiti like five days ago i felt like i was in the 1800 compare to the usa come on people lets be for real with are selfs no road no lights just to me nothing at all the a make a pe > >
Will, 2-Feb-09 10:26 pm
My brother Will, I appreciate your message and your conveying of solidarity, with the truth. the time has come and many people will see that you can not stop are destiny which is liberty, fraternity, and equality and Haiti with all its current misery > >
Xavier, 2-Feb-09 10:53 pm
Sounds to me like someone has a plan to make lots of money with private jails in Haiti. Of all the things that could be done to elevate the nation, this is what you came up with!!! Be honest; tell me who is funding this prison system. Is it the US? I > >
Linda, 3-Feb-09 12:27 am
Again I ask you where are your plans? what solutions do you Linda, present?. are you a member of the "Gutter Rat" members of are society that you detest so much waiting for " Mr. Blans" to come and help. and furthermore do you believe that the U.S. > >
Xavier, 3-Feb-09 10:03 am
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