The problem is since I read participations that could be...
El Caribeno says...
the problem is since I read participations that could be interesting and draw attention on this blog particularly, the comment of Linda and Tiba, the problem is all the comments are the same, empty of obgectivity, I mean: the only thing they do on this blog, this preval blog, is critycise, they never give their opinion, but critycise, critycise, me I'm not living in Haiti, in reality the haitian problem is in some chere not my problem, however, I realise all the haitians have the same problem that is in fact a personnal problem: the only thing they do better is talking, I mean they are talkitive, they talk to talk that is all. you never come with an idea, your opinion, a new idea which orther kan chare with: ex: what would you like to see the capital city, what do you expect from the next president, preval will be president no more, what would you like to see done in the country for the next years?
how do you think problems kan be solved?
for me I would like to hear you over how they kan give other image of Haiti' big cities which are in fact not city but huge "bidonville", the tourism ect ect, for me I think saying that aristide-preval are this or that some time with injure word don't help. we are not in the year 70-80ties any more, the world has changed, Duvalier is 50 years ago. At that time there were not what we have today to inform and communicate, you kan not compare this period with duvaliers's period.
The topic is: Comment les Etats-Unis ont appauvri Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 12894
Posted by El Caribeno on February 1 2009 at 3:24 PM
Messages in this topic
the problem is since I read participations that could be interesting and draw attention on this blog particularly, the comment of Linda and Tiba, the problem is all the comments are the same, empty of obgectivity,I mean: the only thing they do on thi
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El Caribeno, 1-Feb-09 3:24 pm
El Caribeno, I read your message and shook my head at the stunning false statements that you made. It is a shame that when people like you get upset by opinions they don't agree with, they go on the attack because they have no logical argument to cou
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Linda, 1-Feb-09 5:47 pm
what I asked, may be it's a favour, and beacause I know how Haiti was in the end of 70ties, how it was in the 80ties, 90ties and 2 years ago I've been there, what I asked you,my dear is being objective when you share on this blog, come with a subjec
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El Caribeno, 1-Feb-09 6:52 pm
Again you seem to miss the point. But perhaps you are simply unable to step outside of your own thoughts long enough to understand a basic point. I'll say it again...stop making stuff up!!! Tiba, me, and many other bloggers have listed many suggestio
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Linda, 1-Feb-09 7:10 pm
you are out of subject, I've never said we have to forget out past, what I said is just not to mixt the period of time, ok I kan understand the frustration but 1960 is completly different of 1983-1993, 1993_2003, And now,???? I realise the Haitians
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El Caribeno, 2-Feb-09 10:10 am
I have left Haiti long before that Mr Aristide was democratically elected president.Our country is in such of bad shape that no one would be able to solve its problem for at least 50 years.The yankees didn't send Mr Aristide back unconditionally.He w
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Llyod, 2-Feb-09 4:56 pm
Six months was how long Aristide took to form only hafl of his government. Only an incompetent and mediocre president who would take that long to form just half of his/her government. Haitians are the only to believe that a government needs to be
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Tiba, 2-Feb-09 9:33 pm
Merci Beverlie, j'ai fait un copie de ton rapport, ce sont des recherches importantes. Je les ai placees dans mon buffet prive. Tu as revele toute une montagne d'histoire. Merci cent mille fois Robert M. St Fleur
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Robert M. St Fleur, 7-Feb-09 9:28 pm
Solitario Why is that message being addressed to me? And what is exactly your point.
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Tiba, 12-Feb-09 8:51 pm
any person adopted USA citizen have the same right that other USA citicen have. In other country may be have no good information about USA. In my opinion USA is the best country. In god be trust.
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Solitario Rodriguez, 12-Feb-09 9:34 pm