You Know what Tiba, I think you need to take your smart A-...
Sad American Haitian says...
You Know what Tiba, I think you need to take your smart A-- and go to Haiti to teach those less fortunate.
I think you need to start from begining by teaching Haitian children to learn and write english...
What do you think?
The topic is: Proof Read the Messages Before Posting Them
This is a reply to Msg 12863
Posted by Sad American Haitian on January 30 2009 at 10:47 PM
Messages in this topic
Linda As I said before, I do acknowledge that neither English or French is Haitian native language. We are all doing our best to express our thoughts using these languages, but at the same time, we have to do it in way that readers can fully under > >
Tiba, 28-Jan-09 12:06 pm
Tiba Who in the HELL made you a Grammar expert. That is what is wrong with the Haitian culture. They are always ready to critizised instead of motivating. Why can you simply see that the Haitian community wants a change. Half of our people can not ev > >
Sad American Haitian, 28-Jan-09 7:02 pm
I agree, If you understand what the person is trying to say why do you care about grammar. Beside, there are french speaking people who post in the best english they can. Americans dont care if you say "time please", "I need time please", can y > >
Yon Ayisyen, 28-Jan-09 7:13 pm
Just like I thought it would be, emotion is indeed running wild. Sad American said: "They are always ready to critizised instead of motivating." Correction: Motivation is exactly what I am doing. I am encouraging bloggers to write and so that > >
Tiba, 28-Jan-09 10:41 pm
Tiba, I hate that I have to be on the opposite side of you on this argument, but as you know from blogging with me all this time, I am a pretty pragmatic person, and if an argument is flawed, I will not stand with it. This is one of those rare times > >
Linda, 29-Jan-09 8:37 am
Alors AYHISYEN Passe completement a cote de la manche. Vous representez ce que vous ecrivez et un blog est un site universel... il y a plein monde > >
Yves Salamanque, 29-Jan-09 11:48 am
You Know what Tiba, I think you need to take your smart A-- and go to Haiti to teach those less fortunate. I think you need to start from begining by teaching Haitian children to learn and write english... What do you think? > >
Sad American Haitian, 30-Jan-09 10:47 pm
Sad American You said: "You Know what Tiba, I think you need to take your smart A-- and go to Haiti to teach those less fortunate. I think you need to start from begining by teaching Haitian children to learn and write english... What do you think > >
Tiba, 31-Jan-09 9:49 am
Tiba, I admire the work that you do for Haitians. I also admirer your passion for your people. I wonder if other people on this blog do half of what you do. Keep up the good work. > >
Linda, 31-Jan-09 5:32 pm
Linda, Thanks a bunch for the kind words. Linda you understand very well the passive aggressiveness of Haitian mentality. There are many Haitians who want to contribute something to their country, Haiti. However, these Haitians believe that by > >
Tiba, 31-Jan-09 5:57 pm