Just like I thought it would be, emotion is indeed running...
Tiba says...
Just like I thought it would be, emotion is indeed running wild.
Sad American said: "They are always ready to critizised instead of motivating."
Correction: Motivation is exactly what I am doing.
I am encouraging bloggers to write and so that readers can understand what the authors are saying.
It is easier for you and others to compliment someone for poor writing skills because it is not your problem.
This is exactly what the government is doing to the people of Haiti, It's keeping them from learning how to read and write.
We cannot bring real change in Haiti while supporting mediocrity and incompetence.
Not being able to write English, French, and Creole properly in a manner for people to understand what you wrote represent the most tangible mediocrity and incompetence ever, and yet, these are the people who want to run the country.
No wonder why we are in this mess!
Sad American said: "Why can you simply see that the Haitian community wants a change."
Correction: what kinda of change are you exactly talking about?
Once again, change doesn't come without education, and supporting mediocrity is not change.
Change means to leave the old way you have been doing things, the old way of you have been acting, the old way you have been functioning, and the old way you have been thinking, etc...to a new way, and a much better way.
Sad American said: "Half of our people can not even go to school, now you talking about writing a new language."
Correction: sorry for bursting your bubbles by saying to you, sympathizing is not helping but rather enabling someone/others to stay where they are, which is against progress.
Stop being so politically correct.
This is the United States of America, this is not Haiti where there are no opportunities.
Here in the United States, anyone can get an education, and a free education.
All you need is the will to go to school.
There are evening schools and day time school to meet everybody's schedules.
When I was going to school, from undergrad to grad school, there were many American students who had to spend a lot of time at the student learning center to improve their writing skills with the assistance of a tutor, I did it too.
There are evening school in every cities, towns, and villages across this country that offer writing classes to all who want it, free of charge, and you don't have to be a matriculated student.
So please don't give me that...
The problem with us, Haitians, is that we always feel so comfortable at the level we are so we don't feel there is room for improvement nor a need to know more, to get more, and to do better because we, Haitians, are to afraid to make sacrifices.
And yes, as I have been doing for a longtime now, I am still encouraging all who want the gift of knowledge to make sacrifices to find time to take the opportunities offered by this country to go to school to get, not only an education, but to really improve your writing skills and to learn English because education will be the best and the only most important weapon we going to need to bring change to our country, Haiti.
The topic is: Proof Read the Messages Before Posting Them
This is a reply to Msg 12859
Posted by Tiba on January 28 2009 at 10:41 PM