Hi Tiba; this is what I was able to get about Fusion from the...

Linda says...

Hi Tiba; this is what I was able to get about Fusion from the Internet:

"The Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats (Fusion des Sociaux-Démocrates Haïtienne) is a political party in Haiti.

In the presidential elections of 7 February 2006, its candidate Serge Gilles won 2,62 % of the popular vote. In the 7 February 2006 Senate elections, the party won 9.9 % of the popular vote and 4 out of 30 Senators.

In the 7 February and 21 April 2006 Chamber of Deputies elections, the party won 17 out of 99 seats.

It now forms part of the governing coalition under current Prime Minister Michele Pierre-Louis."

The topic is: quelques questions aux responsables De FUSION
This is a reply to Msg 12848
Posted by Linda on January 28 2009 at 11:34 AM

Messages in this topic

M. Richard, Haiti n’est pas le seul pays de ces dernieres decennies qui a fait face au probleme de la double nationalite. Depuis la chute de l’Union Sovietique, plusieurs pays ayant reconnu la capacite humaine et economique de leurs diasp > >
Jean-michel Voltaire, 28-Jan-09 8:23 am
Resistance from Haitians,living in Haiti, who oppose/want/plan to oppose Double Nationality (Double Nationalite) for Haitians living outside Haiti is ( or may be ) BASED ON :"JALOUSIE" and "SELFISHNESS". > >
Antonio Pinchinat, 28-Jan-09 8:26 am
Qui est la FUSION? Est-ce-que c'est le parti politique de l'opposion, ou le groupe parlementaires qui est au sin du parlement? On ne pourait pas resoudre ce probleme de double nationalite sans reconnaitre les vraies raisons de ceux qui l'opposen > >
Tiba, 28-Jan-09 9:48 am
Hi Tiba; this is what I was able to get about Fusion from the Internet: "The Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats (Fusion des Sociaux-Democrates Haitienne) is a political party in Haiti. In the presidential elections of 7 February 2006, its candidat > >
Linda, 28-Jan-09 11:34 am
Linda Thanks much for the info. > >
Tiba, 28-Jan-09 11:41 am