Supporter Cuba and Haiti Been Free State Associate of the USA...
Solitariorodriguez says...
Supporter Cuba and Haiti Been Free State Associate of the USA give a commentary:
The discrimination that exists between the Cuban or Haitian citizen of the USA and the Haitians or Cubans who are not citizen of the USA is tremendous.
They have mobility, others do not have mobility.
I consider that Martin Luther King never had wanted that ruler new type of discrimination.
Is essential The update for the Haitians and Cuban to the citizenship of the USA, while that is not obtained the injustice, the payment with devaluated currency, the manipulation, we will continue seeing Haitian and Cuban dying when they try to arrive illegally at the USA by better life.
God we trusted.
Simpatizante Cuba y Haití Estado Libre Asociado de USA da un comentario:
La discriminación que existe entre el cubano o el haitiano que es ciudadano de USA y el haitiano o cubano que no es ciudadano de USA es tremenda.
Unos tienen movilidad, otros no tienen movilidad.
Yo estimo que Martin Luther King nunca hubiera querido este tipo nuevo de discriminación.
Es imprescindible la actualización para los Haitianos y los cubanos a la ciudadanía de USA, mientras eso no se logre la injusticia, la paga con moneda devaluada, la manipulación, seguiremos viendo Haitianos y Cubanos muriendo cuando tratan de llegar ilegalmente a USA por mejor vida.
En Dios confiamos.
solitariorodriguez at
The topic is: Dual citizenship in Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 12838
Posted by Solitariorodriguez on January 28 2009 at 10:55 AM