School improvement issue
Kokis says...
Hey man,
I difinetely agree with you, the government should take an important step to improve education in Haiti, but it's been over 20 years since the country has been in political crisis.
I know there are good people in the government who would love to change the current issues of the country, but because most of them are corrupted; they are not able to pass on the good ideas that they have for the haitian society.
If they show that they are willing to change the country and if they are persistent about it, others will plot and kill them for no good reasons.
Anyways, you are right, the government should be investing in education and they should have a free education system in Haiti for the kids. I say free education system because, kids that aren't able to finance their education should still be able to go to school.
That will keep the kids from turning into rebels or dealing drugs for some stupid dealers.
In Canada kids go to school for free all the way to high school, they only pay their college or university fees if they decide to go for a degree in somethin.
Why cant Haiti be like that?
Haiti has a lot of money, I know that there is a lot of money circulating in that country.
So, government officials, instead of buying dozens of fancy cars, they should think for the country and start returning a favor to the haitian society.
All the money that the "rebel kidnapers" collect from the innocent haitian, does anybody know where that money goes?
that's a million dollar question...
i guess the government has a taste of that money too (LOL), or maybe not...!!!
Man, there's too many issues with that country.
A lot of things aren't straight in that country.
Concerning MINUSTA, I have no DJOL to talk...
it is unreal !!!
Let's get back to my topic, there's enough money in Haiti to improve the education system, they even have enough money to finance a free education system...
whereas kids wont have to pay anything AT ALL to go to skool.
This country has received more money from international donors than any other country in the world, but we simply dont know what happens with the disappears so quick...
It's sad but at the same time it's funny.
Anyways, I gotta leave it there for now, write back man...
this is getting good.
Taker easy for now...
Peace out...
The topic is: Une bourse d'etudes
This is a reply to Msg 1269
Posted by Kokis on January 26 2007 at 11:08 AM