I appreciate the video but 1)200 gourdes cannot get you From...

Sebastian says...

I appreciate the video but
1)200 gourdes cannot get you From Port au Prince to Cap Haitien on a cruise boat like that.

2)Will the cruise boats be for the tourists, the elite or the mass carrying "chabon ak patate"?

For what I know neither like riding with the mass

3)Labadee is not run by the Haitian Government.

Your government cannot run anything

Poor countries can only use ferries to transport their people and guess what happen this weekend.

Please read:
More than 260 missing in Indonesian ferry disaster
"A ferry with more than 250 people on board, plus 17 crew and one captain, sank with four crew surviving.

Search and rescue teams have been sent to the area," said the official in Majene.

The ferry was travelling from Pare Pare in South Sulawesi to Samarinda in East Kalimantan when it went down, the official said.

The topic is: Execellent move Mr Preval!
This is a reply to Msg 12659
Posted by Sebastian on January 11 2009 at 8:00 PM

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You are fundamentally right. But the plan is to to an alternative transportation system for regular passengers, our commercial needs and eventual tourists. You have to admit that there are plenty of foreigners in the country taking care of all kind > >
Oc, 8-Jan-09 9:16 pm
Have you ever been on Interborough Parkway? How many accidents have they had? Plus, We have to start to se country, not Preval, untel ectc... > >
Ct, 8-Jan-09 10:16 pm
You're talking about headlines like this "Today 3 people were killed on Interborough Parkway in a car accident..." I am talking about headlines like that "200 people died in Haiti today when a boat that was built for 50 people sink near Miragoua > >
Sebastian, 9-Jan-09 2:15 am
Is the Haitian Government Listening? Over and over again, the Haitian people asking the Haitian government to take charge and actually enforce the law in Haiti. But it seems that noone is listening. Pep Ayisien, mwen avize nou, sispann chwaz > >
Ayisyen Konsekan, 9-Jan-09 3:16 pm
You don't seem to get it: These boats will not be overloaded, they will be well maintained, this will be the safest mean of transportation ever in Haiti's history. Expl. what's going on in Labadie with Royal Carribbean Proof: / > >
Ct, 9-Jan-09 10:43 pm
I am with you my friend! > >
Sebastian, 11-Jan-09 7:33 pm
I appreciate the video but 1)200 gourdes cannot get you From Port au Prince to Cap Haitien on a cruise boat like that. 2)Will the cruise boats be for the tourists, the elite or the mass carrying "chabon ak patate"? For what I know neither like ri > >
Sebastian, 11-Jan-09 8:00 pm
The video was to show you that you do not need to build ports in order to have maritime traffic in Haiti. 2)While you're focussing on the cruiseliner, you missed the point: Did you see all those other smaller boats going back and forth with people i > >
Ct, 11-Jan-09 10:16 pm
Labadee should make you feel ashame. It is the proof that Haiti is only a hell hole because Haitians are running it. Once the white man is in charge it looks like paradise.Maybe we should consider leasing other part of Haiti and get the money to bu > >
Sebastian, 12-Jan-09 10:07 am
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