Conspiration for what? Why does the white man lie about Haiti...
Sebastian says...
Conspiration for what?
Why does the white man lie about Haiti, not Jamaica, not Cuba, not Bahamas, not Guam?
It must be because you're the first black republic, right?
Now your paranoia is kicking
Tiba, Haiti is so safe, what are you doing here?
Voye egare an Haiti al mouri.
Ou chita sou kwi wap pale boeuf mal.
A la demagogie papa
The topic is: Bavo Preval! WHAT DO I RESPECT YOU?
This is a reply to Msg 12633
Posted by Sebastian on January 9 2009 at 3:24 AM
Messages in this topic
Louinel, “If you put in power Haiti today my two main priorities will be :EDUCATION AND AGRICULTURE.” I must say a few words on your last statement. Education and Agriculture shouldn’t be the first thing you do. The first things and the very... > >
Jean Batiste, 7-Jan-09 2:30 pm
Cecurity is not an achievement it is process. Regardless of what you do you will still need to have security as an ongoing prerogative.Security is needed everywhere around the world. Haiti is not the most unsecured place on earth or the Caribbea. > >
Louinel Jean, 7-Jan-09 2:54 pm
With all due respect the history listen is unnecessary and I’m well inform as to the definition of Security. You are letting yourself go to far to respond to a purely opinion statement. Louinel, now welcome let’s chat base on idea not on our in > >
Jean Batiste, 7-Jan-09 3:15 pm
My post was a direct answer to Louinel kissing up to Preval for promising that he would do his job. I'll go now read your argument. > >
Sebastian, 8-Jan-09 12:15 am
Jean Haiti is one of the safest Island in the Caribbean even while the kidnapping was happening. Did you know that there are more kindnapping in Trinidad and Tobago and more crime in Jamaica than Haiti?I know the Caribbean, I went to school in J > >
Louinel Jean, 8-Jan-09 10:10 am
Louinel, The problem is not that we Haitian exaggerate the situation alongside the world media to make Haiti look like hell. They are not lying about Haiti, they are telling you the truth same way you admit Haitian became comfortable with "fatra". > >
Sebastian, 8-Jan-09 3:22 pm
Even UN officials and MINUSTAH personnels admited time and time again that Haiti is the safest place in the caribbean and much safer than New York City and Chicago. All the negative being perpetrated on Haiti is a conspiracy theory to keep Haiti f > >
Tba, 8-Jan-09 4:09 pm
wow!Remember you said this "When you think about Haiti you see troubadour,belle plage, lambi, belle negresse kreyole." If I can expect to go to Haiti and see the above "sweet things"Why is Haiti described as hell to the world? Why do we majo > >
Louinel Jean, 8-Jan-09 4:24 pm
Not me! I am realistic. When I think about Haiti Just like the rest of the world I see fatra, diarrhea, AIDS, starving children, mud in Gonaives, riots in PAP, machetes, ransacked buildings, kidnapping, corpse without head, burnt bodies. I am terr > >
Sebastian, 9-Jan-09 2:52 am
Conspiration for what? Why does the white man lie about Haiti, not Jamaica, not Cuba,not Bahamas, not Guam? It must be because you're the first black republic,right? Now your paranoia is kicking Tiba,Haiti is so safe,what are you doing here? Voy > >
Sebastian, 9-Jan-09 3:24 am