Gade figui Preval se yon vre chimpanze I would love to see...

Sebastian says...

Gade figui Preval se yon vre chimpanze
I would love to see Michaëlle Jean the Governor General of Canada as president 1n 2011

The topic is: ann chanje ayiti
This is a reply to Msg 12642
Posted by Sebastian on January 9 2009 at 2:31 AM

Messages in this topic

Gade figui Preval se yon vre chimpanze I would love to see Michaelle Jean the Governor General of Canada as president 1n 2011 > >
Sebastian, 9-Jan-09 2:31 am
li le e li tan pou piti deyo yo sisap soufri paske yo pa ka nan safe peyi yo examp dumassais simeus,michaelle jean,ultimo comper.etc.....nou dwe sispann di ke yo pa haityen paske yo gen doub nasionalite.e michaelle jean koman li fe gouvene general n > >
Adner Louis, 9-Jan-09 2:18 pm
I am with you. Every fool in Haiti want to be president Michael Jean 2011!! > >
Sebastian, 11-Jan-09 7:37 pm