Sebastian Do you ever stop for a moment and take a deep...

Tiba says...


Do you ever stop for a moment and take a deep breath?

You sound just like someone with ADD/ADHD.

You're rabling a lot and not making any sense whatsoever.

Have heard of something called "Research?" This is the beauty and the advantage of this 21st century, we don't have to take anything anyone says to its face value anymore.

We can research it to find the truth.

And this is why I posted the article on the blog so you and all other bloggers can check it out.


Once again here's the Article: Public Law 42-576.
Go ahead google it then open all of the links and read them and you'll see NO such Public Law 42-576 ever existed.

Hillary Clinton NEVER introduced such law demanding that Haiti becomes a US territory, and nor Congress ever passed such law. Got it?

The topic is: Haiti to become US territory
This is a reply to Msg 12572
Posted by Tiba on January 7 2009 at 6:19 AM

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This is a practical joke that has been playing on Haitians by a musician. This is not TRUE, there is NO such law introduced by Hillary Clinton and passed by Congres. US doesn't want Haiti and US doesn't care about Haiti. > >
Tba, 6-Jan-09 8:09 pm
If you really want to know how this rumor started, I want you all to google: Public Law 42-576, open and read all of the links. > >
Tba, 6-Jan-09 8:26 pm
I am with you on that we should be honest for once and admit that it would be a blessing to become like Puerto Rico. Do not beleive them when they are saying never."liberte ou la mort" Do not beleive them when they are talking you about pride > >
Sebastian, 7-Jan-09 3:56 am
sebastian Do you ever stop for a moment and take a deep breath? You sound just like someone with ADD/ADHD. You're rabling a lot and not making any sense whatsoever. Have heard of something called "Research?" This is the beauty and the advant > >
Tiba, 7-Jan-09 6:19 am
I'll make the point for you again maybe this time you'll get it. Liounel said "IF that was true we should be glad".Do you understand the IF it is hypothetical. And I answered that I agree with him. All Haitians should be glad IF the US wanted > >
Sebastian, 8-Jan-09 12:05 am
sebastian, sebastian, sebastian, Di you read what you wrote over again before you posted it on the blog? I don't think you did because if you did, you would have realized how ridiculous, idiotic you sounded. And frankly you mak me laugh my pant o > >
Tba, 8-Jan-09 9:05 am
I no longer have Haitian written on my forehead. I have freed myself. Outside this blog, the only Haitians I ENCOUNTER are my mother and brothers when they come to visit. I'm so detached that I can admit the truth, you can't. That truth is if > >
Sebastian, 8-Jan-09 2:54 pm
Sebastian I'm done reasoning with you! My naturalized US citizenship is not THE topic/issue at hand. You are so ashamed therfore you disassociated yourself from Haiti/Haitians. You are detached from Haiti, and Haitian is not written on your > >
Tba, 8-Jan-09 3:51 pm
Your Alzheimer must be kicking I told you in my response to you December 26 (go look it up): I am wasting my time on this blog trying to help Haitian’s get past that old ex-slave mentality. All blacks countries are poor. I am trying to create awar > >
Sebastian, 9-Jan-09 2:03 am
Tiba, im glad that those of us who are well informed cannot fall prey to this misinformation. Again to those who do not know of this false information on the internet about Haiti becoming a US territory, It is false information. go to > >
James.l, 12-Jun-09 9:05 pm
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