Execellent move Mr Preval!
Ctilulu says...
La plupart des grandes villes d'Haïti sont sur les cotes.
Alors qu'on parle de problèmes de circulation automobile et de manque de routes, les routes maritimes n'ont jamais été considérées. Cette solution est très économique: on n'aurait pas besoin de construire des et des kilomètres de chaussée sinon certaines routes transversales aux Routes Nationales # 1 et 2 ( qui seraient plutot elargies et entretenues convenablement) au niveau des grandes villes côtières et de sites touristiques.
En plus, cela diminuerait considérablement la pollution.
D'ailleurs, étant donne que le pays ne peut pas seulement compter sur l'agriculture, une telle initiative permettrait de relancer le tourisme dans un bref délai. En plus, Mr le president n'hesitez-pas de le dire: Le Tourisme (local et etranger) est une source de revenue immediat qu'il faut exploiter immediatement en achetant des bateaux capable de transporter certains des touristes d'autres des locaux, vers les sites touristiques et/ou les villes cotieres du pays.
Bravo Mr le President!
Posted by Ctilulu on January 6 2009 at 10:23 PM
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Let me get this right,Building railroads to connect the cities revolutionized America's economy in 1869. And in 2009 Preval wants to buy boats instead of building roads? You must be joking! Who is advising Preval? He must be pulling those ideas o
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Sebastian, 7-Jan-09 3:29 am
I am now convinced that my beloved country, Haiti Thomas, is really doomed. Listening to this brain dead, brain damaged, hallow brain drained people, I can resite but to wonder why Haiti is in such mess. Do people really believe bying boats as th
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Tba, 7-Jan-09 7:09 am
Yuo will never have the money to build those roads. In using the sea, you will build less road and will get the economy, and tourism moving. Do you know that it will take far less time to travel by boat from PAP to any of our littoral cities like Cap
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Oc, 7-Jan-09 5:29 pm
Nobody said it would be the sole way to transport people in Haiti. Surely it would bean additional way and a more economical way, plus more realistic in a short term than waiting to have the money to build those "Major Roads" while you cannot maintai
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Ctilulu, 7-Jan-09 5:39 pm
Oc Please zip it! you people keep talking about tourism, what tourism are you exactly referring to? Last time I checked there was NO tourism in Haiti. Get a grip to yourselves people stop rabling and rabling endlessly.
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Tba, 7-Jan-09 6:28 pm
Ct How many open ports there are in Haiti? And where are they exactly? How much would it cost to build a port in Haiti? To flight out of P-A-P to cap-Haitian it only takes 25 minutes-30 minutes, by car 6-7 hours. How long would it take to get
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Tba, 7-Jan-09 6:44 pm
Oc, I do not want to sound mean but this is the most absurde idea.First problem hurricanes will sink the boats each year. How can anybody miss that? Oc, lague peyi ya poul avance.Haiti needs people with knowledge. She needs one of her intelligen
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Sebastian, 7-Jan-09 11:17 pm
Listen, we can still move the boats to another location. But Le eboulement ki soti nan mon'n tet kale yo ap desan'n sou Highway yo, ou paka move yo non.
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Oc, 8-Jan-09 12:23 am
Moun nou besoin fe krye. I can already see the headlines.
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Sebastian, 8-Jan-09 12:25 am
Smart Indians! You do not need to "build ports". We're talking about Ferries. Of course you will have to make some accommodations like they have done in Labadie. When you get a chance take a cruise to the Southern Carribbean islands ( Dominica,
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Ct, 8-Jan-09 12:36 am
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