My background and my environment enable me to be detached...

Sebastian says...

My background and my environment enable me to be detached enough to acknowledge that You're quite right on a few issues.

I am happy for you that Ageria is fighting poverty.

Mine is still in deep trouble.

You're dead on when you said that lots of Haitians are " denues de tout sens civique et de responsabilite morale envers eux memes et leurs compatriotes".

When you "give them money to create small community projects - they steal it."
"They kill each other with their vodou potions"
I believe you when you said that some of the ones " qui arrivent..en France ...refusent de vivre comme des civilises"
You're also dead on when you said lots of them "ne veulent pas avancer, ils ne veulent pas accepter la realite politique ni le marasme economique dans lequel se trouve leur pays."
You're absolutely right "Les Haitiens revent toujours."

You're right again it is sad.

And it is about time Haitians start accepting responsibility, realizing the gravity of the moment and take it as a challenge.

I do not want to kill the messenger.

I just beleive the package is a bit repugnant.

I like to exchange ideas not insults.

Intelligent people can disagree without being abnoxious.

Only losers need to make sure that there are people doing worse than them. And I fear that you cannot talk like a rational, educated human being.

Thank you for your concerns regarding Haiti.

Mery Christmas

The topic is: Guy Philippe Interview-Exerpt frOM His Coming Book
This is a reply to Msg 12389
Posted by Sebastian on December 25 2008 at 6:26 PM

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Violence only begets violence. It cannot bring change. Think about all the guns that Guy’s coup d'etat left in the streets. It never worked. Since 1986 we're going from coup d'etat to coup d'etat. Politic everywhere is dirty even in America but... > >
Sebastian, 23-Dec-08 1:28 am
Sebastian Here we go again! Sebastian once again trying hard to sound so intelligently and politically correct. What is your definition of "Democracy?" You said "In order to have a democratic country the majority of the people need to be mi > >
Tiba, 23-Dec-08 6:18 am
Nothing is wrong with Haiti but its people is the only problem she has. Our problem is that we don’t respect others opinion, others view point and others way of thinking. Ton Ton macout say my way or the highway, and ton ton macout has been i > >
Jean Batiste, 23-Dec-08 3:02 pm
Jean Batiste, You need to grow up! this is politics and if you cannot take the heat you need to get out of the freaken kitchen. You said: "Our problem is that we don’t respect others opinion, others view point and others way of thinking." C > >
Tiba, 23-Dec-08 6:47 pm
Tiba,my friend!, I do not want to sound correct,I am. I know that at times my writings end to be formal because "chassez le naturel, il revient au gallop". And because I enjoy a reat debate. I hope it is not annoying to you. Anyway, you're proba > >
Sebastian, 25-Dec-08 6:15 am
Sebastian I say wow! you are one of a kind my friend. I bet you are one of those brain washed by the master propaganda or a paid crony to go around trashing black people for loving their countries regardless the state the state their country are i > >
Tiba, 25-Dec-08 10:15 am
Je suis Francais (de pere francais et de mere algerienne). J'ai travaille au centre de cooperation francaise a Amiens et la j'ai connu des haitiens, des Africains, des Asiatiques, des Indiens et d'autres nationalites et Sebastian laissez moi vous dir > >
Yves Salamanque Gren Son Nen, 25-Dec-08 12:56 pm
My background and my environment enable me to be detached enough to acknowledge that You're quite right on a few issues. I am happy for you that Ageria is fighting poverty. Mine is still in deep trouble. You're dead on when you said that lots of Hai > >
Sebastian, 25-Dec-08 6:26 pm
LOL! Tiba, why are you calling me names? You must be feeling the heat from the kitchen? Take it easy my friend I am not trying to steal your show. Like I was telling your friend Gren son nen a while ago intelligent people can disagree without being o > >
Sebastian, 26-Dec-08 1:10 am
It seem like we have to ignore the puppet government guided by Washington in Haiti in order to free Haiti from occupation, and the International community who keep the country into the back gear. We need to move forward. and we going to have our ow > >
Jean Dantilus, 27-Dec-08 6:25 pm
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