Tiba, my friend!, I do not want to sound correct, I am. I know...
Sebastian says...
Tiba, my friend!,
I do not want to sound correct, I am. I know that at times my writings end to be formal because "chassez le naturel, il revient au gallop".
And because I enjoy a reat debate.
I hope it is not annoying to you. Anyway, you're probably from the old generation that is still singing "Haiti cheri pi bel peyi pase ou nan point".
The same reasoning that is keepping the country back. I bet Preval sings the same song too. I've talked to many simple minded Africans who also think that they come from the greatest country on earth.
No wonder why Haiti start to resemble Africa more and more.Most Haitians are in denial just like them.But I am from the new generation.
On top of it my background and my environment are enabling me to be detached enough to acknowledge along with the rest of the world that Haiti is a "stinking hell hole".
India is not the most democratic country, but the largest because they have 1.13 billion people compare to a country like the US which has 350 million.
They have been a democratic country for about 50 years only. And "poverty and internal strife still threaten Indian stability" even now. Their religious beliefs play a big role in their submission and their acceptance to be poor( remember that those people do not even kill animals because they think everything deserves a chance to live and thrive) but it can't hold forever.
It as certain as a math formula "Lorsqu'en haut ne veut pas et en bas ne peut plus la revolution eclate toujours".
Cite soleil has plenty of say on Haiti's politics.
Was it the elite that put Aristide in office?
They decide which buildings they going to ransack.
I give it to you that if you have 10000 people in the street the elite might have paid 500 people but the other 9,500 willingly joined the mob because they are poor, hungry and angry.
The Haitians from the middle class do not join in. If more Haitians were middle class we would have less riots, more peace and more time to build wealth.
The last coup d'etat was not in 1991. Aristide was ousted by Guy Philippe in 2004. That's 4 years ago not 17 years ago. Guy Philippe, remember him?
I understand why he felt he had to do it.
I even acknowledged his courage but this is not the way to go. Sometimes people or other countries might be pulling your strings without you even knowing and after each coup d'etat we start over with new thieves.
Where do you find the audacity to say that Haiti is the "safest country in the entire Caribbean put together"?
Haiti is safer than Anguilla, safer than Aruba, safer than Cayman Islands, safer than St. Vincent?
Are you serious?
Or are you making a joke?
You're in denial just like your African cousins.
Maybe you meant Chad and Mozambique.
I was having a debate once with a Somalian that was bragging about Somalia.
Tiba have you seen Gonaives on TV?
Who would want to go vacation there?It is frightening there.
Is it all a US conspiracy?
Are those videos fake?
You should watch more TV. Better yet, go on a tour of Haiti.
The US did not deport US citizens to Haiti.
They deported Haitians criminals back to their native country.
Maybe if we were smart we would have built prisons to lock them up. You bred the gangs also when you abolished "restaveck".
Those kids instead of being in their "marraines" houses end up in streets of Port-au-Prince training to be killers.
You have economic sanctions and embargoes because you are a failed state! Cuba is surviving under much harsher sanctions.
No children are starving to death in Cuba. Come on Tuba! stop playing the "blame the white man" game. Their lack of respect for us is due to our behavior which is telling them that we are bunch of descendants of slaves that should have never been freed because we are too ignorant to lead ourselves.
We used to be "la perle des Antilles" when they were whipping us. Now we are a nation of lazy people.
Gosh it boggles my mind to see the similarities between Haitian's and African's thinking.
No wonder why we are fighting for last place among the races.
Merry Christmas old friend!
The topic is: Guy Philippe Interview-Exerpt frOM His Coming Book
This is a reply to Msg 12365
Posted by Sebastian on December 25 2008 at 6:15 AM