Now I am glad I said no to you. Your true colors just came...

Linda says...

Now I am glad I said no to you. Your true colors just came out. You lashed out at an individual you know nothing about; made all sorts of accusations with no basis; and became offensive just because someone said "no" to you.

To clear things up for you:
1. I never said that I did not work with individuals.

I just said that I don't work with individuals that I don't know anything about, and that I only met on a blog.

2. I presently support several school students with money from my own pocket.

But you did not take the time to ask that because you were too busy barking.

3. I currently pay half the rent for several people that I don't know in Haiti, simply because they use to be my father's employees.

4. I am not teaching yet in Haiti because I only recently started thinking about it. I might decide to work with an organization, an individual, or a grass root group.

That will be my decision.

Either way, I am now so glad I said "no" to you.

The topic is: Dear President
This is a reply to Msg 12288
Posted by Linda on December 16 2008 at 3:33 PM

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Now I am glad I said no to you. Your true colors just came out. You lashed out at an individual you know nothing about; made all sorts of accusations with no basis; and became offensive just because someone said "no" to you. To clear things up for > >
Linda, 16-Dec-08 3:33 pm
Come on Linda does the truth hurt? See… I am not mad at you…I am frustrating with the hypocrisy that lay in to our ways of doing things… I am not in to this looking or begging for myself…as a matter of fact I alone invested and I have proof... > >
Ralph Darbouze, 16-Dec-08 5:03 pm
Ralph, again your response makes me really glad that I said "no" to you. I would never ally myself with someone who is so into his own thoughts that he never really listen to what another person is saying. I never said those people were my servants. > >
Linda, 16-Dec-08 6:51 pm
my question is why do people have to perpretrate themselves as a do something for haiti...what is up with the ideals that "the president is the one and only who can do something" if they cannot get trough an organization, or the presiden > >
Ralph Darbouze, 17-Dec-08 5:50 pm
No Linda you are not saying no to me….you are saying no to our young brothers and sisters in Haiti who need real education right now… not to me…my case is done as well as my education. Fortunately I cannot say no to them. I understood... > >
Ralph Darbouze, 18-Dec-08 7:57 pm
No Linda you are not saying no to me….you are saying no to our young brothers and sisters in Haiti who need real education right now… not to me…my case is done as well as my education. Fortunately I cannot say no to them. I understood... > >
Ralph Darbouze, 18-Dec-08 8:07 pm
So, let me get this straight. You got angry because I said I would not work with anyone who gets nasty when they are told "no." Now you've decided to give us your curriculum vitae to try to give yourself some credibility. I guess now you expect me to > >
Linda, 18-Dec-08 8:40 pm
This is Yves Salamanque That is the unequivocal side of the Haitian tribe. Hate, lies and megalomania Reading that Tiba, that Linda and that ultimate Darbouze I am convinced that this race of men has inherited the destructive behaviour of Africa > >
Yves Salamanque Gren Son Nen, 18-Dec-08 9:00 pm
I do not even see a point in that talk of yours! Do you understand that we have a county that have been in the darkness and ignorance for so long and in need of some thing, of a change? What is your point? Lol let me laugh at you but out loud M > >
Ralph Darbouze, 19-Dec-08 7:36 am
Yup, he spends a million dollars on a school and then does DoS attacks on various servers belonging to Linden Labs. Just the kind of guy i would trust with my education needs. > >
Krupt, 27-Aug-09 8:39 pm
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