Linda, I say Amen e Insiswatil to that? Speaking Creole in all...
Tiba says...
I say Amen e Insiswatil to that?
Speaking Creole in all and every level of the Haitian society must be made mandatory by the government, and even the "Most Repugnant Elite (MRE)" will have to speak the same language that everybody is speaking, which is Creole.
The topic is: Haitians do not speak french
This is a reply to Msg 12236
Posted by Tiba on December 12 2008 at 5:54 AM
Messages in this topic
I am somehow puzzled by your sense of denial and your self destructive behavior in attacking facts and statistics. I feel obliged to apolozige to some individuals like Mr Lavaud who can back up a little bit and realized the reality of things. Mr > >
Yves Salamanque Gren Son Nen, 11-Dec-08 1:22 pm
Lavaud You said "I have never meant to hurt you by calling you Tiba the Icon." CORRECTION: I never said that I was hurt, insulted dihumanized by it or anything like that. Since Haitian have a clever way to insult others, I just wanted to make > >
Tiba, 11-Dec-08 1:30 pm
Tiba, the Cape Verdi islands also have a Creole that is very similar to ours. It's kind of strange because they were colonize by the Portuguese. Like Haiti they have two languages that are both spoken fluently, Portuguese and Creole. However, unlike > >
Linda, 11-Dec-08 6:33 pm
Linda, Nice to see you again. I thought you had left us forever out of frustration and disgust, but you're still here and I'm gratful for that. Linda, I am somewhat appalled by some Haitians calling for the abolition of the Creole, or to revamp > >
Tiba, 11-Dec-08 7:20 pm
No, Tiba, I didn't leave. I just had some deadlines to deal with. And since the blog was polluted with very low caliber people with nothing much to say, I took a blog brake. I understand that Creole is a fundamental part of Haitian culture. Howeve > >
Linda, 11-Dec-08 10:21 pm
Linda, I say Amen e Insiswatil to that? Speaking Creole in all and every level of the Haitian society must be made mandatory by the government, and even the "Most Repugnant Elite (MRE)" will have to speak the same language that everybody is sp > >
Tiba, 12-Dec-08 5:54 am
You are certainly right that Creole is not the cause of Haiti's problems. But encouraging the learning of English as a second language is positive strategy. English is not just the language of business, science, technology, engineering and most of th > >
Saul Wall, 24-Dec-08 12:37 am
Once upon a time it was Latin or maybe Greek, then it became French, now it is English, and in about a century no one knows. I have no affinity for either one of those languages because the tongue of my freedom is Haitian Creole. Pale kreyol Kole > >
Rft, 24-Dec-08 5:21 am
Saul Do you realize none of these countries you mentioned on the list speak English as their second official language except the Americans for whom English is their native language? First of all, is there a place on the planet where English is > >
Tiba, 24-Dec-08 6:14 am
Saul, there is absolutely no reason to add another issue to an already complicated problem. We already have major issues with two languages; adding one more will just make the matter worst. Furthermore, the international exchange and diplomatic langu > >
Linda, 24-Dec-08 11:43 am