Linda, Nice to see you again. I thought you had left us...
Tiba says...
Nice to see you again.
I thought you had left us forever out of frustration and disgust, but you're still here and I'm gratful for that.
Linda, I am somewhat appalled by some Haitians calling for the abolition of the Creole, or to revamp it, or to replace it with English, because according to many, Creole language is the cause for all Haiti's problems.
And frankly, I have a terrible time swollowing this caca mimi bull crap charge.
I do understand, however, many of these Haitians are ashamed speaking Creole and being Haitians.
How could one abolish or revamp a country's native language?
Though I would agree if the government would mandate Creole to be the spoken language in all levels of the society, but keep everything else secondary, and all foreigners must learn and speak Creole.
Do people have the privilege to pick and chose what language should be their native language?
This is the most moronic, idiotic thing that I've ever heard and these are the all the people who claim to have Ph.Ds.
I think Haitans would be surprised to see the progress Haiti would make in a very short time only if they would get involved.
The first think I would call for to shake up these moronic bastards who are in charge in Haiti, is to boycot the Haitian's economy for at least 2 months, but they would not do it because that's how weak and phony Haitians are.
I have 2 suggestions/proposions to begin with and they are:
1) I am calling on Haitians around the world NOT to travel to Haiti under any circumstances for 2 months.
2) I am calling on Haitians around the world NOT to send/transfer any money to their families in Haiti under any circumstances for 2 months.
We would make it clear to the Haitian government and to those living in Haiti the reasons for the boycot.
But like I said, Haitians do not have the stomach for any type of boycoting whatsoever.
The government and the Haitians people in Haiti would do something, but now they don't have to do anything.
And why should they when we, the diaspora, are taking care of them.
The topic is: Haitians do not speak french
This is a reply to Msg 12223
Posted by Tiba on December 11 2008 at 7:20 PM