Be truthful about Rene Preval
It is so pathetic to se how delusional so many Haitians are. I just can't believe what I am reading on this board.
First of all, people can refer to Preval any way they so choose to "Ti Rene, Ti sousou, Rene, Rene Gracia, Preval, Ti Preval, etc...this is not being disrespectful whatsoever.
Second, it is being completely delusional in the part of many on the board to to believe that Preval is going to call them and say, YES! I will meet with you. Those of you who are still in school getting your Associate Degrees, I would say to you that you still have a long way to go before you can be an advisor to the president.
Haitians need to learn to put their emotion and personal sentimen aside when it comes to politics because these things just don't go togheter.
In politics, as it is in life, respect and trust are earned.
Nothing personal, but so far there isn't one politician in Haiti who is worth respected and trust.
As far as I am concerned, Preval is just another incompetent and mediocre added to the bunch.
Unfortunately, we Haitians, are so incompetent and mediocre we are unable to see one even if he/she is rubbing our faces.
Our beloved country, Haiti Thomas, will never move forward as long as we remain incompetent and mediocre.
Preval has been in office for 9 long months, can anyone tell me how many jobs he has created so far?
What has he accomplished of great importance for the common good of Haiti/Haitians?
Giving nice speeches and travelling the world all the time just doesn't cut it. Haiti needs action.