RE: Dominican Republic

Haitian1804 says...

greetings everyone, I m always visiting a wesite name and it s hurtfull to read the comments of the Dominicans about our homeland and our Haitian Brothers.

What s the plan of the next generation?

do we talk to our children about all those humiliation, so that they will do what s is right and succeed where we failed.

anyway I d like all of you to visit this website to read with your own eyes to understand.

Posted by Haitian1804 on December 4 2008 at 3:49 PM

Messages in this topic

To be frank with you, I am sick and tired with Haitians who keep talking about Dominican Republic on this blog. In my opinion, these Haitians who keep talking constantly about Dominican republic do so because they wish they were one of those disgusti > >
Tiba, 4-Dec-08 6:24 pm
I agree with you 1000%, who gives a damn about what a bunch filthy domnican's say or think. Their opinions and comments are worth as much as the dog mess I accidently stepped in yesterday. If they can't accept the fact that haiti gave them their mean > >
Newyorkhaiti, 10-Dec-08 8:00 am
My message to Tiba about Re:Dominican Republic: I agree with you 1000%, who gives a damn about what a bunch filthy domnican's say or think. Their opinions and comments are worth as much as the dog mess I accidently stepped in yesterday. If they ca > >
Newyorkhaiti, 10-Dec-08 8:05 am
Dominican I know you people love us, cause this clearly of one you guys Kisssssssssssssss > >
Nunu, 5-Dec-09 4:23 am
Attention Guys: The Dominican people are very good nature. They are very sensible and kinds. Avoid the politicians' nets. They have tended their nets for guys like you to get trapped. All the killings, tortures, mistreatment, you have heard agains > >
Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, 5-Dec-09 3:28 pm