Lavaud, lavaud, lavaud, Look who's giving counseling and...
Tiba says...
Lavaud, lavaud, lavaud,
Look who's giving counseling and advice, I'll be damn!
Lavaud can you show me one nice thing you've said about Haitians, Haiti, or about Preval and his incompetent and mediocre government?
You are now commenting on my language, my writing?
Yes, I said it, you and gren non are two human waste that this world has to dealt with.
Yes, I love Haiti more than Preval does. Yes, I love Haiti more than Toto Constant does. Yes, I love Haiti more than Aristide does. Yes I love Haiti more than the Duvaliers did. And yes I love Haiti more than any of those criminals, mercenaries, thieves, and moronic bastards who have run and those who are currently running my country, Haiti.
Last but not least, yes, I love Haiti more than you, Lavaud, do.
Haiti, is on her knees today, as we speak, because of those loveless human waste who have ruled Haiti.
Haiti would have been in a better shape had they have any love for their country, Haiti.
Oh, one other think, you don't scare me, you know! and the little kids' psychological game you're trying to play with me, I want you to cut it out right now because it's not working, got it?
If you want me to start saying good things about Preval and his government, if you want me to give them glory, you need to get them to start doing some good things for the country and for the Haitian people, but until then, they will keep getting from me what they all deserve, pure and simple.
The topic is: Haitians do not speak french
This is a reply to Msg 12000
Posted by Tiba on November 27 2008 at 9:53 AM