Gren Son Nin WOW! why so much anger? If I were you I would...

Tiba says...

Gren Son Nin

WOW! why so much anger?

If I were you I would slow down before you blow a gasket.

I also sense a great deal of jealousy coming from you for not being able to speak French as perfect as the Haitians can.

I noticed a sense of paranoia and low self-esteem that keep you awake at night as well. There is help for people like yourself out there, and I would urge you to get some.

Good luck!

The topic is: Haitians do not speak french
This is a reply to Msg 11970
Posted by Tiba on November 25 2008 at 5:53 PM

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Gren Son Nin WOW! why so much anger? If I were you I would slow down before you blow a gasket. I also sense a great deal of jealousy coming from you for not being able to speak French as perfect as the Haitians can. I noticed a sense of paranoi > >
Tiba, 25-Nov-08 5:53 pm
Alors Tiba, Tiba, Tiba!Maudit connard Tu m'as pas fait attendre lontemps pour me fendre la gueule Je t'ai pas baratine. J'ai baratine ta culture. Je suis raide dingue de leur comportement ici en France. Ils s'obstinent a bablayer le meme jargon d > >
Gren Son Nin, 25-Nov-08 8:31 pm
gren Ne me dire pas que tu es un francais, et si tu es, tu representes un vrai embarassement pour tous les francais. Tu es le plus idiot jamais. Je crois que tu as besoin de prendre des cours du soir pou ameliorer ton francais. Ma niece qui a > >
Tiba, 25-Nov-08 9:51 pm
Ne me dire pas.... Alors Tiba pour le bonheur de Dieu. Je t'ai dit pas de "creofran" Mais toi t'as un sacre culot. Maudit haitien! faut pas tirer trop la gueule... t'es deja un singe comme tous tes freres Allez la > >
Gren Son Nin, 25-Nov-08 10:00 pm
Well now Gren Son Nin, that was really interesting. You criticize Tiba's only mistake, but let's see how you did. I should tell you that I had a real good laugh reading your French. 1. You said: "Tu m'as pas fait attendre lontemps." Hey fellow > >
Linda, 26-Nov-08 12:12 am
well well well It seems like j'en aurai toute la nuit avec ces bourres d'haitiens En voila une sale negresse or une sale light skin qui s'est prise a moi et a ecrit pa without an S et me parle de la negation ne quand ce n'est pas necessaire Alors > >
Gren Son Nin, 26-Nov-08 1:22 am
Linda, This is the second or the third time that I have ever written anything in French in 30 years, and I think I did much better than Gren, the French wannabe. I did not want to waste my time correcting his/her French like you just did other to > >
Tiba, 26-Nov-08 6:00 am
Hi Gren Sonen, Je sens tes frustrations a l'egard de nos freres et soeurs vivant en France, avec leur dialect importe de leur pays d'origine- Haiti. Mais tu exacerbes tes zero-tolerances-- mes respects pour tes efforts intelligents en vehiculant c > >
Lavaud Desmoulins, 26-Nov-08 10:31 am
lavaud I really believe that you are the most ingnorant, idiotic moronic uncle Tom that ever live. You and Gren sonen are the two most disgrace human waste this world has to deal with, and I curse the women who had to carry you for 9 months and > >
Tiba, 26-Nov-08 10:52 am
Mr Lavaud. tes freres, c'est la chiotte. On me l'avait dit Je vais pas me decarcasser pour leur faire comprendre qu'ils ont la possibilite de maitriser leur jargon avec un petit effort. Ils s'obstinent dans leur fausse pretention. Cest delire hein, > >
Gren Son Nin, 26-Nov-08 9:22 pm
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