Haitians do not speak french

Gren Son Nin says...

Posted by Gren Son Nin on November 25 2008 at 1:36 PM

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You are the one that need to refrain from fighting the reality: HAITIAN PEOPLE DO NOT SPEAK FRECNH! It is a reality. A country where majority of the people do not speak or understand a language well, isn't it clear to say that the country is not > >
Jean Pe On Facebook, 30-Oct-09 3:31 pm
Ton jugement sur le probleme linguistique des haitiens merite d'etre apprecie. Il s'agit, en effet, l'une des causes de la situation socio-economique du pays. Personnellement, je pourais etre meme plus cathegorique en affirmant que les haitiens ne p > >
Kiki, 1-Nov-09 9:01 pm
Mr Kiki Bonjour Ca fait un siecle j'ai pas visite ce site. Sincerement j'ai apprecie que tu eusses le temps de commenter sur ce theme. Je me suis fait des ennemis tout recemment aux Etats Unis. Il y a de tes freres qui n'ont pas encore realise que > >
Jeune, 2-Nov-09 1:09 am
It looks like you can't write English either. Your comment is full of grammatical errors and it is poorly phrased. Perhaps you should go to grammar school to learn English before you judge Haitians. The word is "syntax", not syntaxe - Mr. French gu > >
Nirvana, 2-Nov-09 7:49 pm
Yo, English is not Haitian language either, so I'm Haitian and "Haitian-Creole" is my language. Who care how I write it, especially on a website that is made to discuss Haitians issues? And, as long as you understand too. wwww.Newsupd.Wordpress.com > >
Jean Pe On Facebook, 2-Nov-09 11:40 pm
Je ne te comprends pas mon vieux.Il faut que tu saches que les Haitiens sont tres influents en Francais.Tu manques quelques choses en Francais,Je suis disponible a t'aider.Ne prends pas ca comme une chanson.Tu es vraiment un voyou.""TAIS-TOI"'app > >
Roby, 17-Nov-09 2:13 pm
I can't stay for along time talking to you.You really prove them what is exactly a language.Goog goodddddddddddddddddddddd,I really appreiate your words,Keep in touch guy YOURS TRLY > >
Roby, 17-Nov-09 2:26 pm
i dont agree with you at all, we do speak feench, when a country was occupied by another country or nation, it speaks the language of that country. Now if all haitians dont speak french it is an education problem, my father is 77 years old he cant r > >
Maria Guerrier, 18-Nov-09 11:43 pm
ET JE PEUX CRIER TRES....... forte You must be on some heavy drugs or you must have just ingested some of your vodoo potions to write some shit like that Niggers Vous ne parlez pas francais. Period! > >
Jean Marie Lepen, 19-Nov-09 12:43 am
Alors toi damnee.. tais toi! Tu es dingue comme toute ta race. Tu ecris "we do speakfeench" Exactement c'est ce que tu parles dans ton sale coin de terre. T'as l'air d'une excitee. Ca eat du a quoi -Marre- Y -A? LES IMMONDICES DE TON PAYS OU L'ODE > >
Jean Marie Lepen, 19-Nov-09 12:50 am
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