Haitians do not speak french
Gren Son Nin says...
Posted by Gren Son Nin on November 25 2008 at 1:36 PM
Messages in this topic
Saul, there is absolutely no reason to add another issue to an already complicated problem. We already have major issues with two languages; adding one more will just make the matter worst. Furthermore, the international exchange and diplomatic langu > >
Linda, 24-Dec-08 11:43 am
so true... still do not understand what is the mystery that some people are debating against. i agreed with you. English did not become over night the main language...there was and there still is a reason for that...and all those reasons you have enu > >
Ralph Darbouze, 24-Dec-08 6:37 pm
Linda, I like your proposal: each one teach one. But teach them what? In what language? What is our goal? What is our vision? Education for what? Haiti is a very complicated country with complicated issues. No one has the perfect solution > >
Yanick Jean-francois-landess, 29-Dec-08 6:43 am
i agreed with you yanick, i could have not lay it out as best as you did. 1000% right. i am in France right now...and i can tell you that even, even, even the french give way more opportunities to those who speak English on their soil as oppose to > >
Ralph Darbouze, 29-Dec-08 1:46 pm
i agreed with you yanick, i could have not lay it out as best as you did. 1000% right. and again yes you are fight i am in France right now... and i can tell you that even, even, even the french give way more opportunities to those who speak En > >
Ralph Darbouze, 29-Dec-08 1:51 pm
Once upon a time, there was a nine-year-old boy from a far away Haitian village who was given away to a very rich man to serve him as a domestic. The parents who were very poor believed they were saving the life of their son by letting such a prop > >
Yanick Jean-francois-landess, 1-Jan-09 12:19 pm
History gave Haitians French. Haitians gave themselves Creole and they colored French with some Creole flavor. Change and variation in any language is normal. There is nothing to complain about. The following references from ERIC, Education Reso > >
Yanick Jean-francois-landess, 1-Jan-09 2:38 pm
Well Well Well Meuf Yanick... that was a compelling, intelligent and a super argument but you fail to mention that all those segments or regional linguistic differences have not prevented those people to fully master what ever the local language they > >
Yves Salamanque Gren Son Nen, 1-Jan-09 3:22 pm
I don't agree with your comments at all. Haitians do speak French and they are accounted for at least 15%. However, it would be nicer to say the majority of Haitian people don't speak French at all. Since Haiti has been excluded from the Francophone > >
Mathieu Derisse, 4-Jan-09 10:25 pm
Mr Derisse You are just repeating what I have been saying all along. I say, if after 200 years of Francophony your people or your nation has not managed to write, understand and speak a language that has been their so called Official language... t > >
Yves Salamanque Gren Son Nen, 4-Jan-09 11:14 pm