Indeed it is true, but more important is the fact that Haiti...
Linda says...

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Indeed it is true, but more important is the fact that Haiti is the only Caribbean island that completely paid off their debts during the colonial years.
There was a time we were MEN. We did not crawl on our bellies to anyone.
Actually, until Preval, Haiti still had pride.
It took this degenerate gutter rat to ruin our countries reputation.
The topic is: Haiti Senator Kelly Bastien Speaks
This is a reply to Msg 11893
Posted by Linda on November 20 2008 at 10:02 AM
Messages in this topic
When France refused to recognize Haiti's independence 200 years ago, Haiti was forced to pay its colonizer the equivalent of $22 billion in today's money, to be free. Now Haiti wants that money back, and will not take NO for an answer. In 1838, Ha > >
Kapwa, 19-Nov-08 5:00 pm
Is that true what Kapwa just said? The fact that Haiti's debt to France was paid for the entire Island of Hispaniola? It's the first time I heard that. > >
1 6 3 1, 20-Nov-08 12:22 am
Indeed it is true, but more important is the fact that Haiti is the only Caribbean island that completely paid off their debts during the colonial years. There was a time we were MEN. We did not crawl on our bellies to anyone. Actually, until Preval, > >
Linda, 20-Nov-08 10:02 am
1631, Of course, what kapwa said in regard to Haiti paid the debt to France is true, but you wouldn't know that unless you are Haiti, and a Haitian educated who knows the history of Haiti. What Linda said about you seems to be true that you are > >
Tiba, 20-Nov-08 11:52 am
What I want is for Haiti to start asking France and the Dominican Republic for her money back that's what I want. France was wrong for taking the money and the Dominicans were wrong for not reimbursing Haiti back for the same money we paid to France > >
Kapwa, 20-Nov-08 12:29 pm
Kapwa, I understand your frustration; however, there are some things you need to consider. Asking for what we are due is fine, but when to ask for it is what must be considered. If we had asked for what is owed us before Haiti fell into this mess, we > >
Linda, 20-Nov-08 2:00 pm
monsieur le senateur kelly Bastien what do you think about the occupational of the country? So to me this very impertinence and also this is a desordre for a country like haiti have to be this kind of situation where we have to be under the chieh of > >
Astre Francois, 23-Jul-09 12:15 pm
France owes Haiti and incalculable amount for setting the stage of the current nation's construct and the crimes against humanity the French overseer piad upin the Haitian people. To talk about Haitian debt to France is like talking about a Jew's de > >
Mac Robertson, 18-Jan-10 7:06 pm
La Madeleine(France).mardi 3 mai 2011 Dangers sur la Democratie Haitienne Bonjour, Je viens de passer dix jours de vacances de Paques dans le sud de la France, a proximite de la frontiere espagnole. Grace a l'Internet, j'ai ete capable de s > >
Psychologue Henri-claude Saint-fleur, 5-May-11 7:50 am