That was mean.Anywayz, nou viv e nou travay a anglais nou pale...

Esther says...

that was mean.Anywayz, nou viv e nou travay a anglais nou pale a.

The topic is: nous parlons creole et francais pas anglais
This is a reply to Msg 11556
Posted by Esther on November 16 2008 at 6:49 PM

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montresor, I thought one of your plans for Haiti was to lobby US to accept Haiti the 51st state of the United States. what happened to that plan? I thought that was the whole strategic reason that you wanted Haitians to embrace English and Spanish > >
Tiba, 11-Nov-08 6:18 pm
Tiba, Thanks and I did lol and Lol by your response and I needed it!! Please read Haiti vision 2011 completely even if you are against it then pass your judgments with respect of a better option for our country because I am fully prepare to for > >
Montresor 2011, 11-Nov-08 7:29 pm
that was mean.Anywayz,nou viv e nou travay a anglais nou pale a. > >
Esther, 16-Nov-08 6:49 pm
It would be Haiti's best interest to be the USA 51st state.We,haitians have been running Haiti for more than 200 years,all we've done,is destroyed what was once the beauty of the caribean.We are no longer able to produce the basic needs that would st > >
Llyod Benneth Le Bourru, 17-Nov-08 9:03 am
So Mr. Llod, you think making English the official spoken language of Haiti that will solve the problems? Last time I checked Haiti was a multi-language spoken country just like in States United. I have seen quite a bit numbers of people calli > >
Tiba, 17-Nov-08 10:46 am
LLoyd, it will have a great economical impact and social welfare for the country, but it will be a slap in the face to our ancestors such as Toussaint Louverture, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Capois Lamort, Boukman, and so on. Remember Haiti is a sovreig > >
Lamar Coffy, 17-Nov-08 3:59 pm
Well,tell me why we had to pay to France to recognize our independance?Were we affraid that they would come back andtake over the island.It would have been a blessing.Although that i respect your opinion but look at Martinique and la Guadeloupe that > >
Llyod Benneth Le Bourru, 17-Nov-08 5:13 pm
Haiti have been transparently occupied by the US.they are doing in a way to the world how naive that we are.It's about time that we show the world who is really in charge of Haiti,i say,give it to them and they have to do at least they'll treat Hait > >
Llyod Benneth Le Bourru, 17-Nov-08 5:55 pm
les haitiens sont toutparts. nou pale anpil lang diferan. Don't focus on what language we writing this on, but let us try to see a positive on this. Lets think on how we can use this blog to reach out to each other. To express ourselves on different > >
Haiticherie, 18-Nov-08 2:45 am
Blogger Haiticherie, so far I've read a few of the things you have written and I can feel that you have a lot on your mind and that you are a positive thinking person. I like that, welcome to the blog. I hope to read more from you. Make sure > >
1 6 3 1, 18-Nov-08 3:12 am
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