Rene Preval, Jesse Jackson, and Fritz Longchamps at Palais National Haiti
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The topic is: Rene Preval, Jesse Jackson, and Fritz Longchamps at Palais National Haiti
Posted November 15 2008 at 11:32 PM
Messages in this topic
hi my president how was my country > >
Thamy, 9-Apr-09 1:16 pm
ho t rene ou pa ta fe sa konsa ou vin rekontre Jesse Jackson, And Fritz Longchamps...ou tap met yon kostum,veste pran menw > >
Rene Preval Sangwen, 14-May-09 2:59 pm
hi, je suis heureux d'avoir un pri¿½sident qui prend plaisir i¿½ la souffrance de son peuple,qui continue i¿½ s'enrichir au depend des souffrances de la masse populaire en Une autre Haiti est possible,mais pas avec ces intrus > >
Mervilus Mardoche, 9-Jul-09 8:55 am
Hello, I am very disappointed with the way he's dressed in the picture. To me he does not look like a head of state.That's my opinion. > >
P. Valiere, 14-Jul-09 7:19 am
The way I used to see to him before, He looks fine in this picture. > >
Pippo, 14-Jul-09 11:31 am
SO GOOD AFTERNOON TO AND THE OTHERS WHOI ARE WITH YOU IN THE HAITIAN this is not good when the haitian parliamentary keep talking about salaire minimum for the employees who already have a job but what do think about those who dont have a > >
Astre Francois, 17-Jul-09 12:23 pm
So bonjour Mr le president Rene gacia preval chef en son bureau.Mr le president nous sommes les reprentant du cmmite (ODL)A LEOGANE NOUS AVONS CONSTATE dans cette commune il y a beaocoups de desordres dans la citee dont nous avons juge c'est faut l > >
Francois Astre, 17-Jul-09 12:44 pm
Ce site N'appartient pas a Preval. > >
The Man, 17-Jul-09 4:50 pm
So today it is not the time for us to keep talking about good or bad picture when we should have better thing to look at than just the beautiful picture when we should focus on the bad weather that would strike the country and the peoples dont have n > >
Astre Francois, 22-Jul-09 2:51 pm
Nonsense! give the president a break. Haiti is a hot country. After all he is the one receiving he can put on whatsoever he wants.I dont think that I am too much concerned of what the president is wearing but what I am mindful of is what he is negoti > >
Lanj Andre, 31-Jul-09 8:44 am