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Linda, pa kite blood pressure-w monte non sister. Tempo Bien que mwen dako ave-w nan keksyon "BEG" la. Mwen genyen anpil tan ozetazini, mwen poko janm we yon ayisyen nan lari ap mande. Epi pou prezidan peyi-m nan gen konsyans l-ap mande W > >
1 6 3 1, 18-Nov-08 2:50 am
nou pa kapab rete tann prezidan an pou change peyi a paske nou genten santi ke li pap fe anyen. gen ayisien nan le monde antie. si nou vreman bezwen yon changement, se nou menm sel ki ka pote changeman sa nan peyi a. nou paka bay president an pote to > >
Haiticherie, 18-Nov-08 3:10 am
Its clear that you mad at the president, the best way to get back at him is to show him that we can still fix it. mwen konnan ayitian le ou bayo defi, se le sa you moutre ou yo kapab leve defi a. president an banou yon defi. an nou moutre li nou ka l > >
Haiticherie, 18-Nov-08 3:23 am
Linda, I really appreciate your comments. It shows that you care deeply for your country. Its people like you who is going to change the country. not the government. We can keep pointing out the negatives, feed off on the wrongs, ar we can work toget > >
Haiticherie, 18-Nov-08 5:23 am
that was a great job 1631, but I know your not Haitian, and I know many missionaries like you who learn how to speak and write Creole. As a matter of fact, I have a friend of my that's all she does to make a lot of money; she teaches missionaries to > >
Linda, 18-Nov-08 10:50 am
Hi Linda, I just finished a review of most of the blogs you have posted. You are very care about Haiti. You have a perfect mind. You are a great Haitian. Praise to your knowledge. Your talent is exceptional. You are very organized. I believe the c > >
Lavaud Desmoulins, 18-Nov-08 1:12 pm
Linda Cheri, the only way for me to convince you is to tell you my real name, give you my address and and email you a picture. but then again, even that wouldn't work. There is a saying: When You Assume, You Make An “SSS” out of “U” and... > >
1 6 3 1, 18-Nov-08 2:21 pm
Les propos concernant le chef d'Etat de votre pays ne represente pas la pensse des haitiens modernes capables d'imiter ce qui est bon. Vous etes vraiment de la classe des haitiens caracterises par l'irrespect, l'impatience et l'incapabilite d'miter c > >
Kiki, 21-Nov-08 11:27 am
We would like to kick Preval the incompetent,mendicant off his throne along with his administration and banished all those mediocre men from Haiti until their third generation. Respect is something that's earned. No respect for thieves. > >
Une Lionne, 21-Nov-08 2:00 pm
Haiti : Selon Claire Lydie Parent, un defaut structurel de l'edifice serait responsable du drame de l'ecole de Petion-vile,non les recentes tempetes tropicales qui ont frappe l'ile. Selon le president Haitien Rene Preval, "c'est une construction de > >
La Lionne, 21-Nov-08 2:18 pm